title: "DEsingle"
author: "Zhun Miao"
date: "2018-06-21"
    toc: TRUE
    toc_depth: 3
    toc_float: TRUE
    collapsed: TRUE
vignette: >

```{r setup, include = FALSE}
  echo = TRUE,
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


## Introduction

**`DEsingle`** is an R package for **differential expression (DE) analysis of single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) data**. It will detect differentially expressed genes between two groups of cells in a scRNA-seq raw read counts matrix.

**`DEsingle`** employs the Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial model for differential expression analysis. By estimating the proportion of real and dropout zeros, it not only detects DE genes **at higher accuracy** but also **subdivides three types of differential expression with different regulatory and functional mechanisms**.

For more information, please refer to the [manuscript](https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/bty332) by *Zhun Miao, Ke Deng, Xiaowo Wang and Xuegong Zhang*.

## Citation

If you use **`DEsingle`** in published research, please cite:

> Zhun Miao, Ke Deng, Xiaowo Wang, Xuegong Zhang (2018). DEsingle for detecting three types of differential expression in single-cell RNA-seq data. Bioinformatics, bty332. [10.1093/bioinformatics/bty332.](https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/bty332)

## Installation

To install **`DEsingle`** from [**Bioconductor**](http://bioconductor.org/packages/DEsingle/):

```{r Installation from Bioconductor, eval = FALSE}
if(!require(BiocManager)) install.packages("BiocManager")

To install the *developmental version* from [**GitHub**](https://github.com/miaozhun/DEsingle/):

```{r Installation from GitHub, eval = FALSE}
if(!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("miaozhun/DEsingle", build_vignettes = TRUE)

To load the installed **`DEsingle`** in R:

```{r Load DEsingle, eval = FALSE}

## Input

**`DEsingle`** takes two inputs: `counts` and `group`.

The input `counts` is a scRNA-seq **raw read counts matrix** or a **`SingleCellExperiment`** object which contains the read counts matrix. The rows of the matrix are genes and columns are cells.

The other input `group` is a vector of factor which specifies the two groups in the matrix to be compared, corresponding to the columns in `counts`.

## Test data

Users can load the test data in **`DEsingle`** by

```{r Load TestData}

The toy data `counts` in `TestData` is a scRNA-seq read counts matrix which has 200 genes (rows) and 150 cells (columns).

```{r counts}
counts[1:6, 1:6]

The object `group` in `TestData` is a vector of factor which has two levels and equal length to the column number of `counts`.

```{r group}

## Usage

### With read counts matrix input

Here is an example to run **`DEsingle`** with read counts matrix input:

```{r demo1, eval = FALSE}
# Load library and the test data for DEsingle

# Specifying the two groups to be compared
# The sample number in group 1 and group 2 is 50 and 100 respectively
group <- factor(c(rep(1,50), rep(2,100)))

# Detecting the DE genes
results <- DEsingle(counts = counts, group = group)

# Dividing the DE genes into 3 categories at threshold of FDR < 0.05
results.classified <- DEtype(results = results, threshold = 0.05)

### With SingleCellExperiment input

The [`SingleCellExperiment`](http://bioconductor.org/packages/SingleCellExperiment/) class is a widely used S4 class for storing single-cell genomics data. **`DEsingle`** also could take the `SingleCellExperiment` data representation as input.

Here is an example to run **`DEsingle`** with `SingleCellExperiment` input:

```{r demo2, eval = FALSE}
# Load library and the test data for DEsingle

# Convert the test data in DEsingle to SingleCellExperiment data representation
sce <- SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(counts = as.matrix(counts)))

# Specifying the two groups to be compared
# The sample number in group 1 and group 2 is 50 and 100 respectively
group <- factor(c(rep(1,50), rep(2,100)))

# Detecting the DE genes with SingleCellExperiment input sce
results <- DEsingle(counts = sce, group = group)

# Dividing the DE genes into 3 categories at threshold of FDR < 0.05
results.classified <- DEtype(results = results, threshold = 0.05)

## Output

`DEtype` subdivides the DE genes found by `DEsingle` into 3 types: **`DEs`**, **`DEa`** and **`DEg`**.

* **`DEs`** refers to ***“different expression status”***. It is the type of genes that show significant difference in the proportion of real zeros in the two groups, but do not have significant difference in the other cells.

* **`DEa`** is for ***“differential expression abundance”***, which refers to genes that are significantly differentially expressed between the groups without significant difference in the proportion of real zeros.

* **`DEg`** or ***“general differential expression”*** refers to genes that have significant difference in both the proportions of real zeros and the expression abundances between the two groups.

The output of `DEtype` is a matrix containing the DE analysis results, whose rows are genes and columns contain the following items:

* `theta_1`, `theta_2`, `mu_1`, `mu_2`, `size_1`, `size_2`, `prob_1`, `prob_2`: MLE of the zero-inflated negative binomial distribution's parameters of group 1 and group 2.
* `total_mean_1`, `total_mean_2`: Mean of read counts of group 1 and group 2.
* `foldChange`: total_mean_1/total_mean_2.
* `norm_total_mean_1`, `norm_total_mean_2`: Mean of normalized read counts of group 1 and group 2.
* `norm_foldChange`: norm_total_mean_1/norm_total_mean_2.
* `chi2LR1`: Chi-square statistic for hypothesis testing of H0.
* `pvalue_LR2`: P value of hypothesis testing of H20 (Used to determine the type of a DE gene).
* `pvalue_LR3`: P value of hypothesis testing of H30 (Used to determine the type of a DE gene).
* `FDR_LR2`: Adjusted P value of pvalue_LR2 using Benjamini & Hochberg's method (Used to determine the type of a DE gene).
* `FDR_LR3`: Adjusted P value of pvalue_LR3 using Benjamini & Hochberg's method (Used to determine the type of a DE gene).
* `pvalue`: P value of hypothesis testing of H0 (Used to determine whether a gene is a DE gene).
* `pvalue.adj.FDR`: Adjusted P value of H0's pvalue using Benjamini & Hochberg's method (Used to determine whether a gene is a DE gene).
* `Remark`: Record of abnormal program information.
* `Type`: Types of DE genes. *DEs* represents differential expression status; *DEa* represents differential expression abundance; *DEg* represents general differential expression.
* `State`: State of DE genes, *up* represents up-regulated; *down* represents down-regulated.

To extract the significantly differentially expressed genes from the output of `DEtype` (**note that the same threshold of FDR should be used in this step as in `DEtype`**):

```{r extract DE, eval = FALSE}
# Extract DE genes at threshold of FDR < 0.05
results.sig <- results.classified[results.classified$pvalue.adj.FDR < 0.05, ]

To further extract the three types of DE genes separately:

```{r extract subtypes, eval = FALSE}
# Extract three types of DE genes separately
results.DEs <- results.sig[results.sig$Type == "DEs", ]
results.DEa <- results.sig[results.sig$Type == "DEa", ]
results.DEg <- results.sig[results.sig$Type == "DEg", ]

## Parallelization

**`DEsingle`** integrates parallel computing function with [`BiocParallel`](http://bioconductor.org/packages/BiocParallel/) package. Users could just set `parallel = TRUE` in function `DEsingle` to enable parallelization and leave the `BPPARAM` parameter alone.

```{r demo3, eval = FALSE}
# Load library

# Detecting the DE genes in parallelization
results <- DEsingle(counts = counts, group = group, parallel = TRUE)

Advanced users could use a `BiocParallelParam` object from package `BiocParallel` to fill in the `BPPARAM` parameter to specify the parallel back-end to be used and its configuration parameters.

### For Unix and Mac users

The best choice for Unix and Mac users is to use `MulticoreParam` to configure a multicore parallel back-end:

```{r demo4, eval = FALSE}
# Load library

# Set the parameters and register the back-end to be used
param <- MulticoreParam(workers = 18, progressbar = TRUE)

# Detecting the DE genes in parallelization with 18 cores
results <- DEsingle(counts = counts, group = group, parallel = TRUE, BPPARAM = param)

### For Windows users

For Windows users, use `SnowParam` to configure a Snow back-end is a good choice:

```{r demo5, eval = FALSE}
# Load library

# Set the parameters and register the back-end to be used
param <- SnowParam(workers = 8, type = "SOCK", progressbar = TRUE)

# Detecting the DE genes in parallelization with 8 cores
results <- DEsingle(counts = counts, group = group, parallel = TRUE, BPPARAM = param)

See the [*Reference Manual*](https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/manuals/BiocParallel/man/BiocParallel.pdf) of [`BiocParallel`](http://bioconductor.org/packages/BiocParallel/) package for more details of the `BiocParallelParam` class.

## Visualization of results

Users could use the `heatmap()` function in `stats` or `heatmap.2` function in `gplots` to plot the heatmap of the DE genes DEsingle found, as we did in Figure S3 of the [*manuscript*](https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/bty332).

## Interpretation of results

For the interpretation of results when **`DEsingle`** applied to real data, please refer to the *Three types of DE genes between E3 and E4 of human embryonic cells* part in the [*Supplementary Materials*](https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/advance-article/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/bty332/4983067#supplementary-data) of our [*manuscript*](https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/bty332).

## Help

Use `browseVignettes("DEsingle")` to see the vignettes of **`DEsingle`** in R after installation.

Use the following code in R to get access to the help documentation for **`DEsingle`**:

```{r help1, eval = FALSE}
# Documentation for DEsingle

```{r help2, eval = FALSE}
# Documentation for DEtype

```{r help3, eval = FALSE}
# Documentation for TestData

You are also welcome to view and post *DEsingle* tagged questions on [Bioconductor Support Site of DEsingle](https://support.bioconductor.org/t/desingle/) or contact the author by email for help.

## Author

*Zhun Miao* <<miaoz13@tsinghua.org.cn>>

MOE Key Laboratory of Bioinformatics; Bioinformatics Division and Center for Synthetic & Systems Biology, TNLIST; Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China.

## Session info

```{r sessionInfo}