--- title: "An R package for Reactome Pathway Analysis" author: "\\ Guangchuang Yu ()\\ School of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" bibliography: ReactomePA.bib csl: nature.csl output: BiocStyle::html_document: toc: true BiocStyle::pdf_document: toc: true vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{An R package for Reactome Pathway Analysis} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} --- ```{r style, echo=FALSE, results="asis", message=FALSE} BiocStyle::markdown() knitr::opts_chunk$set(tidy = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE, results='hide', message=FALSE} library(org.Hs.eg.db) library(DOSE) library(clusterProfiler) library(ReactomePA) ``` # Introduction This package is designed for reactome pathway-based analysis. Reactome is an open-source, open access, manually curated and peer-reviewed pathway database. # Pathway Enrichment Analysis Enrichment analysis is a widely used approach to identify biological themes. Here, we implement hypergeometric model to assess whether the number of selected genes associated with reactome pathway is larger than expected. The p values were calculated based the hypergeometric model[@boyle2004], ```{r} require(DOSE) data(geneList) de <- names(geneList)[abs(geneList) > 1.5] head(de) require(ReactomePA) x <- enrichPathway(gene=de,pvalueCutoff=0.05, readable=T) head(summary(x)) ``` ## Pathway analysis of NGS data Pathway analysis using NGS data (eg, RNA-Seq and ChIP-Seq) can be performed by linking coding and non-coding regions to coding genes via `r Biocpkg("ChIPseeker")` package, which can annotates genomic regions to their nearest genes, host genes, and flanking genes respectivly. In addtion, it provides a function, __*seq2gene*__, that simultaneously considering host genes, promoter region and flanking gene from intergenic region that may under control via cis-regulation. This function maps genomic regions to genes in a many-to-many manner and facilitate functional analysis. For more details, please refer to `r Biocpkg("ChIPseeker")`. ## Visualize enrichment result We implement barplot, dotplot enrichment map and category-gene-network for visualization. It is very common to visualize the enrichment result in bar or pie chart. We believe the pie chart is misleading and only provide bar chart. ```{r fig.height=5, fig.width=8} barplot(x, showCategory=8) ``` ```{r fig.height=8, fig.width=8} dotplot(x, showCategory=15) ``` Enrichment map can be viusalized by __*enrichMap*__: ```{r fig.height=16, fig.width=20} enrichMap(x) ``` In order to consider the potentially biological complexities in which a gene may belong to multiple annotation categories, we developed __*cnetplot*__ function to extract the complex association between genes and diseases. ```{r fig.height=18, fig.width=20} cnetplot(x, categorySize="pvalue", foldChange=geneList) ``` ## Comparing enriched reactome pathways among gene clusters with clusterProfiler We have developed an `R` package `r Biocpkg("clusterProfiler")`[@yu_clusterprofiler:_2012] for comparing biological themes among gene clusters. `r Biocpkg("ReactomePA")` works fine with `r Biocpkg("clusterProfiler")` and can compare biological themes at reactome pathway perspective. ```{r fig.height=8, fig.width=13} require(clusterProfiler) data(gcSample) res <- compareCluster(gcSample, fun="enrichPathway") plot(res) ``` # Gene Set Enrichment Analysis A common approach in analyzing gene expression profiles was identifying differential expressed genes that are deemed interesting. The __*enrichPathway*__ function we demonstrated previously were based on these differential expressed genes. This approach will find genes where the difference is large, but it will not detect a situation where the difference is small, but evidenced in coordinated way in a set of related genes. Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA)[@subramanian_gene_2005] directly addressed this limitation. All genes can be used in GSEA; GSEA aggregates the per gene statistics across genes within a gene set, therefore making it possible to detect situations where all genes in a predefined set change in a small but coordinated way. For algorithm details, please refer to the vignette of `r Biocpkg("DOSE")`[@yu_dose_2015]. ```{r} y <- gsePathway(geneList, nPerm=100, minGSSize=120, pvalueCutoff=0.05, pAdjustMethod="BH", verbose=FALSE) res <- summary(y) head(res) ``` ## Visualize GSEA result ```{r fig.height=16, fig.width=16} enrichMap(y) ``` ```{r fig.height=8, fig.width=10} gseaplot(y, geneSetID = "1280215") ``` # Pathway Visualization In `r Biocpkg("ReactomePA")`, we also implemented __*viewPathway*__ to visualized the pathway. ```{r fig.height=16, fig.width=16} viewPathway("E2F mediated regulation of DNA replication", readable=TRUE, foldChange=geneList) ``` # External documents + [Why clusterProfiler fails](http://ygc.name/2014/08/07/why-clusterprofiler-fails/) + [use clusterProfiler as an universal enrichment analysis tool](http://ygc.name/2015/05/11/use-clusterprofiler-as-an-universal-enrichment-analysis-tool/) + [Enrichment map](http://ygc.name/2014/08/03/enrichment-map/) + [dotplot for enrichment result](http://ygc.name/2015/06/23/dotplot-for-enrichment-result/) ## Bugs/Feature requests ## If you have any, [let me know](https://github.com/GuangchuangYu/clusterProfiler/issues). # Session Information Here is the output of `sessionInfo()` on the system on which this document was compiled: ```{r echo=FALSE} sessionInfo() ``` # References