## ----echo = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------
options(markdown.HTML.options = "toc")
## ----echo = FALSE, message=FALSE-----------------------------------------
rookforkOK <- AnalysisPageServer:::checkRookForkForVignettes()
## ----eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------
# volcano <- build.service(function(colors = c("red","white","purple")) {
# plotfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
# png(plotfile, width = 600, height = 400)
# par(mar=c(1, 1, 4, 1))
# col <- colorRampPalette(colors)(50)
# image(datasets::volcano, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", main = "Maunga Whau Volcano",
# col = col, cex.main = 2)
# dev.off()
# plot.data <- readBin(plotfile, "raw", n = file.info(plotfile)[, "size"])
# new.response(body = plot.data,
# content.type = "image/png")
# }, name = "volcano")
## ----eval=TRUE-----------------------------------------------------------
x <- rep(1:nrow(volcano), each = ncol(volcano))
y <- rep(1:ncol(volcano), nrow(volcano))
volcano.cells <- data.frame(x = x, y = y, Height = as.vector(t(volcano)))
## ----eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------
# plotfile3 <- tempfile(fileext = ".svg")
# svg(filename = plotfile3, width = 9, height = 7)
# image(volcano, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", main = "Maunga Whau Volcano")
# dev.off()
# result <- static.analysis.page(outdir = "static-example3",
# svg.files = plotfile3,
# dfs = volcano.cells,
# show.xy = TRUE,
# title = "Maunga Whau Volcano")
## ----message = FALSE-----------------------------------------------------
port <- 5333
volcano.handler <- function(color1 = "red",
color2 = "blue") {
par(mar=c(1, 1, 4, 1))
chosen.colors <- c(color1, color2)
col <- colorRampPalette(chosen.colors)(50)
image(datasets::volcano, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", main = "Maunga Whau Volcano",
col = col, cex.main = 2)
volcano.page <- new.analysis.page(handler = volcano.handler,
name = "volcano",
description = "Draw the Maunga Whau Volcano in Two Colors")
reg <- new.registry(volcano.page)
srv <- startRookAnalysisPageServer(reg, port = port)
## ----eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------
# on.exit(kill.process(srv))
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----message=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
cars.df <- cbind(x = cars$speed, y = cars$dist, cars)
cars.page <- new.analysis.page(function() {
plot(cars.df$x, cars.df$y, xlab = "Speed", ylab =
"Stopping Distance", pch = 19, col = adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0.6))
}, name = "cars", description = "Speed and Stopping Distances of Cars")
reg <- new.registry(cars.page, volcano.page)
srv <- startRookAnalysisPageServer(reg, port = port)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----message=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
color.choices <- c("red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple")
color1 <- select.param(name = "color1", label = "Low Color",
description = "Select a color for the lowest parts of the volcano", choices = color.choices)
color2 <- select.param(name = "color2", label = "High Color",
description = "Select a color for the highest parts of the volcano", choices = color.choices)
color.pset <- param.set(color1, color2)
volcano.page <- new.analysis.page(handler = volcano.handler,
param.set = color.pset,
name = "volcano",
description = "Draw the Maunga Whau Volcano in Two Colors")
reg <- new.registry(volcano.page)
srv <- startRookAnalysisPageServer(reg, port = port)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
color.param <- function(name = "color",
label = "Color",
description = "Select a color from the list", ...) {
select.param(name = name, label = label, description = description,
choices = color.choices, ...)
## ----eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------
# color1 <- color.param("color1", label = "Low Color")
# color2 <- color.param("color1", label = "High Color")
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
slider <- slider.param(name = "n", min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, value = 50,
description = "Select a number between 0 and 100")
handler <- function(n=50) {
## n is already numeric for a slider---no need to cast with as.numeric(n)
html <- paste0("
This is an HTML response
" - n = ", n, "
" - n+1 = ", n+1, "
## This is how to have your page return arbitrary HTML, rather than
## the typical plot/dataset combination
new.datanode.html("html", html)
slider.page <- new.analysis.page(handler,
param.set = param.set(slider),
annotate.plot = FALSE,
annotate.data.frame = FALSE,
no.plot = TRUE,
label = "slider widget with HTML response")
reg <- new.registry(slider.page)
srv <- startRookAnalysisPageServer(reg, port = port)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------
# volcano.handler <- function(color1 = "red",
# color2 = "blue",
# color3 = "green") {
# par(mar=c(1, 1, 4, 1))
# chosen.colors <- c(color1, color2, color3)
# col <- colorRampPalette(chosen.colors)(50)
# image(datasets::volcano, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", main = "Maunga Whau Volcano",
# col = col, cex.main = 2)
# return(volcano.cells)
# }
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
volcano.handler2 <- function(colors = c("red","blue")) {
par(mar=c(1, 1, 4, 1))
col <- colorRampPalette(colors)(50)
image(datasets::volcano, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", main = "Maunga Whau Volcano",
col = col, cex.main = 2)
one.color <- color.param()
color.array <- array.param(name = "colors", label = "Colors",
description = "Color the volcano from low to high altitude",
prototype = one.color,
min = 2, start = 2)
## Build an "AnalysisPageParamSet" with just 1 parameter, an array-type parameter
array.pset <- param.set(color.array)
volcano.page <- new.analysis.page(handler = volcano.handler2,
param.set = array.pset,
name = "volcano",
description = "The Maunga Whau Volcano in Many Colors")
reg <- new.registry(volcano.page)
srv <- startRookAnalysisPageServer(reg, port = port)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
multi.color.selector <- select.param(name = "color", label = "Color", description = "Select multiple colors",
choices = color.choices, allow.multiple = TRUE)
volcano.page <- new.analysis.page(handler = volcano.handler2,
param.set = param.set(multi.color.selector),
name = "volcano",
description = "The Maunga Whau Volcano in Many Colors")
reg <- new.registry(volcano.page)
srv <- startRookAnalysisPageServer(reg, port = port)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
cities <- list(IL = c("Deerfield", "Springfield", "Chicago", "Urbana"),
CA = c("San Francisco", "San Diego", "Los Angeles", "Sacramento"),
MA = c("Deerfield", "Springfield", "Boston", "Camridge", "Arlington"))
states <- names(cities)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
cities.service <- build.service(function(state) cities[[state]], name = "cities")
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
state.dropdown <- select.param(name = "state", label = "State", description = "Choose a state",
choices = states)
city.cbx <- combobox.param(name = "city", label = "City", description = "Choose a city",
uri = '/custom/RAPS/R/analysis?page="cities"&state=":statename"', dependent.params = c(statename="state"))
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
handler <- function(state = "MA", city = "Arlington") {
plot.window(0:1, 0:1)
mesg <- paste(sep = "", city, ", ", state, " is for lovers\nand data analysts.")
text(0.5, 0.5, mesg, cex = 3)
data.frame(x = numeric(), y = numeric())
page <- new.analysis.page(handler = handler,
param.set(state.dropdown, city.cbx),
name = "state",
description = "Information about a city",
annotate.plot = FALSE)
reg <- new.registry(cities.service, page)
srv <- startRookAnalysisPageServer(reg, port = port)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Extra "as.list" is necessary to force creation of JSON array for length 1
city.search.service <- build.service(function(state, query) as.list(grep(query, cities[[state]], value = TRUE)),
name = "city_search")
city.cbx <- combobox.param(name = "city", label = "City", description = "Enter a search term to find a city",
uri = "/custom/RAPS/R/analysis?page=\"city_search\"&state=\":statename\"&query=\":query\"",
dependent.params = c(statename="state", query = "city"))
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
page <- new.analysis.page(handler = handler,
param.set(state.dropdown, city.cbx),
name = "state",
description = "Information about a city",
annotate.plot = FALSE)
reg <- new.registry(city.search.service, page)
srv <- startRookAnalysisPageServer(reg, port = port)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
horiz.handler <- function(word = "word") {
plot.window(0:1, 0:1)
text(0.5, 0.5, word)
data.frame(x = numeric(), y = numeric())
vert.handler <- function(word = "word") {
plot.window(0:1, 0:1)
text(0.5, 0.5, word, srt = 90)
data.frame(x = numeric(), y = numeric())
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
word <- simple.param(name = "word", persistent = "word")
horiz.page <- new.analysis.page(horiz.handler, param.set(word), name = "horiz", label = "Horizontal")
vert.page <- new.analysis.page(vert.handler, param.set(word), name = "vert", label = "Vertical")
reg <- new.registry(horiz.page, vert.page)
srv <- startRookAnalysisPageServer(reg, port = port)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmax <- simple.param("xmax", label = "Maximum Theta", value = pi)
n <- simple.param("n", value = 100, advanced = 1)
pset <- param.set(xmax, n)
handler <- function(xmax = pi, n = 100) {
xmax <- as.numeric(xmax)
n <- as.numeric(n)
x <- seq(0, xmax, length = n)
y <- sin(x)
plot(x, y, pch = 19, xlab = "Theta", ylab = "Sine(Theta)", main = "Sine curve")
data.frame(x = x, y = y, Theta = x, `Sin(theta)` = y, check.names = FALSE)
page <- new.analysis.page(handler, param.set = pset, name = "sine", label = "Sine Plotter")
reg <- new.registry(page)
srv <- startRookAnalysisPageServer(reg, port = port)
## ----echo = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
extremum.chooser <- select.param("extremum", choices = c("xmin", "xmax"))
xmin <- simple.param("xmin", value = 0, show.if = list(name = "extremum", values = "xmin"),
label = "Minimum Theta",
description = "Set a minimum value for the range (max will be pi)")
xmax <- simple.param("xmax", value = pi, show.if = list(name = "extremum", values = "xmax"),
label = "Maximum Theta",
description = "Set a maximum value for the range (min will be 0)")
pset <- param.set(extremum.chooser, xmin, xmax)
handler <- function(extremum = "xmin", xmin = 0, xmax = pi) {
xmin <- if(extremum == "xmin") as.numeric(xmin) else 0
xmax <- if(extremum == "xmax") as.numeric(xmax) else pi
x <- seq(xmin, xmax, length = 200)
y <- sin(x)
plot(x, y, pch = 19, xlab = "Theta", ylab = "Sine(Theta)", main = "Sine curve")
data.frame(x = x, y = y, Theta = x, `Sin(theta)` = y, check.names = FALSE)
page <- new.analysis.page(handler, param.set = pset, name = "sine_with_extrema", label = "Sine Plotter")
reg <- new.registry(page)
srv <- startRookAnalysisPageServer(reg, port = port)
## ----echo = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
range.paramset <- param.set(extremum.chooser, xmin, xmax)
range <- compound.param("range", children = range.paramset)
n <- simple.param("n", value = 100)
pset <- param.set(range, n)
handler <- function(range = list(extremum = "xmin", xmin = 0), n = 100) {
xmin <- if(range$extremum == "xmin") as.numeric(range$xmin) else 0
xmax <- if(range$extremum == "xmax") as.numeric(range$xmax) else pi
x <- seq(xmin, xmax, length = as.numeric(n))
y <- sin(x)
plot(x, y, pch = 19, xlab = "Theta", ylab = "Sine(Theta)", main = "Sine curve")
data.frame(x = x, y = y, Theta = x, `Sin(theta)` = y, check.names = FALSE)
page <- new.analysis.page(handler, param.set = pset, name = "sine_with_extrema", label = "Sine Plotter")
reg <- new.registry(page)
srv <- startRookAnalysisPageServer(reg, port = port)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------