Changes in 1.9.19 (2011-10-29) o removed compiler and corrected the broken compiler function references Changes in 1.9.17 (2011-06-27) o added bg correction in o accurate and relatively fast variance hyperparameter update function added (see update.hyperparameters, update.s2) Changes in 1.9.11 (2011-06-02) o speedups in hyperparameter estimation; alpha treated as scalar o removed affinity.method o added normalization method BUG FIXES o alpha, beta updates fixed o did not return updated alpha, beta: now corrected. Changes in 1.9.06 (2011-05-29) o added alpha, beta prior parameters for the inverse Gamma conjugate prior for the probe-specific variances o modified RPA.iteration, RPA.update.sigma2 so as to directly utilize priors everywhere. o added set.alpha, set.beta and update.hyperparameters, update.alpha, update.beta in internal functions o added toydata generator function sample.probeset o rpa.plot: added comparison of toydata and fitted data by adding the toydata.object argument Changes in 1.9.03 (2011-05-14) o corrected AffyCompII result note Changes in 1.9.03 (2011-04-27) o polished plot functions in rpa.plot and plot-methods Changes in 1.9.02 (2011-04-21) o added compiler to betahat in RPA.sigma2.update.R to speed up o added NA/NaN check to RPA.iteration after a defected affybatch with NA values was found to cause crash Changes in 1.7.34 (2011-03-14) o added note on AffyComp results in the Vignette Changes in 1.7.32 (2011-03-12) SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o added estimation of probe affinities in rpa and RPA.pointestimate functions. Now returning expression values in the original data domain, i.e. in 'absolute' expression levels. Provides options for affinity estimation through affinity.method field in certain functions. o added 'affinity' field in rpa-class and rpa.list-class o added estimate.affinities function o removed exclude reference array option o added class (S3) to provide storage for an individual model o function now fits the model (including affinities) for given data. This is a generic function to calculate an individual model instance for any data following the distributional assumptions of the model. See tests/ for an example. Changes in 1.7.3 (2011-01-20) BUG FIXES o in 'rpa' wrapper function the exclude.reference.array option was interpreted in the opposite way than intended. Now the reference.control.array = TRUE excludes the reference array from output. Default is FALSE, i.e. reference array is included. Changes in 1.7.2 (2011-01-14) o updated citation o moved license from GPL>=2 into FreeBSD since that is less restrictive open license. OK since all copyrights of the GPL>=2 version are with the package author. Changes in 1.5.2 (2010-05-19) USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o the vignette has been improved o added firstlib.R function to print copyright notice during loading o added a copy of the GNU GPL 2 licence o added citation information, see citation("RPA") Changes in 1.3.6 (2010-03-28) BUG FIXES o added documentation on 'get.probe.noise.estimates' function Changes in 1.3.5 (2010-03-18) USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o in the 'rpa' preprocessing wrapper, include the reference array (cind) to the differential gene expression matrix output. Optionally, the reference array can be excluded. See the 'include.reference.array' parameter of function 'rpa'. Note that all differential expression values of the reference array are 0 since the reference is compared against itself. o added function get.probe.noise.estimates. Outputs probe-level noise estimates with normalization options. BUG FIXES o added destructive=TRUE into background correction. Should help with large data. Changes in 1.3.2 (2010-03-02) SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o changed default sigma2.method into 'robust' o control array default set to cind = 1 (previosly sampled at random if not specified) o initialize.priors replaced by set.priors function USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o removed sigma2.guess from user-defined parameters in RPA.iteration o RPA.pointestimate: added regularization parameters alpha, beta NEW FEATURES o support for alternative CDF files o rpa function: a wrapper for preprocessing gene expression data with the RPA model o rpa.plot function: visualize probe-level data and results for a given probeset o background correction to RPA.preprocess o option to define background correction and normalization parameters o regularization for noise term estimation (sigma2) o sigma2.method 'mean' and 'robust' added BUG FIXES o rpa class: added elements 'data', 'cdf' and 'abatch' o RPA.preprocess: background correction added, and log2 transformation now done after normalization o added 'maxloop' parameter to RPA.iteration function call o moved the contents of R/zzz.R into AllGenerics.R, AllClasses.R, *-methods.R, *-accessors.R o code optimized for speed