\name{mouseCHRLOCENTREZID2CHR} \alias{mouseCHRLOCENTREZID2CHR} \alias{mouseCHRLOCLOCUSID2CHR} \title{An annotation data file that maps Entrez Gene identifiers to chromosome number} \description{ mouseCHRLOCENTREZID2CHR maps Entrez Gene identifiers to the chromosome numbers the genes represented by the Locuslink identifiers reside } \details{ This is an environment object containing key and value pairs. Keys are Entrez Gene identifiers and values are the corresponding chromosome numbers the genes reside. Values are vectors of length 1 or more depending on whether a give Entrez Gene identifier can be mapped to one or more chromosomes. Mappings were derived from data provided by: Golden Path:\url{http://gopher6/compbio/annotationSourceData/hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/currentGenomes//Mus_musculus/database/}. Built: No build info available. Package built: Thu Aug 30 09:55:54 2007 } \references{ \url{http://www.genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg16/database/} } \examples{ require("annotate") || stop("annotate unavailable") xx <- as.list(mouseCHRLOCENTREZID2CHR) if(length(xx) > 0){ # Get the value of the first Entrez Gene id xx[1] # Get the values for a few Entrez Gene identifiers if(length(xx) >= 3){ xx[1:3] } } } \keyword{datasets}