\name{adme16codORGANISM} \alias{adme16codORGANISM} \alias{adme16codORGPKG} \title{The Organism information for adme16cod} \description{ adme16codORGANISM is an R object that contains a single item: a character string that names the organism for which adme16cod was built. adme16codORGPKG is an R object that contains a chararcter vector with the name of the organism package that a chip package depends on for its gene-centric annotation. } \details{ Although the package name is suggestive of the organism for which it was built, adme16codORGANISM provides a simple way to programmatically extract the organism name. adme16codORGPKG provides a simple way to programmatically extract the name of the parent organism package. The parent organism package is a strict dependency for chip packages as this is where the gene cetric information is ultimately extracted from. The full package name will always be this string plus the extension ".db". But most programatic acces will not require this extension, so its more convenient to leave it out. } \examples{ adme16codORGANISM adme16codORGPKG } \keyword{datasets}