################################################### ### chunk number 1: Setup ################################################### #line 125 "vignettes/iterativeBMAsurv/inst/doc/iterativeBMAsurv.Rnw" library(BMA) library(iterativeBMAsurv) ################################################### ### chunk number 2: getTrainData ################################################### #line 137 "vignettes/iterativeBMAsurv/inst/doc/iterativeBMAsurv.Rnw" ## Use the sample training data. The data matrix is called trainData. data(trainData) ## The survival time vector for the training set is called trainSurv, where survival times are reported in years. data(trainSurv) ## The censor vector for the training set is called trainCens, where 0 = censored and 1 = uncensored. data(trainCens) ################################################### ### chunk number 3: trainingStep ################################################### #line 156 "vignettes/iterativeBMAsurv/inst/doc/iterativeBMAsurv.Rnw" ## Training phase: select relevant genes ## In this example training set, the top 100 genes have already been sorted in decreasing order of their log likelihood ret.list <- iterateBMAsurv.train.wrapper (x=trainData, surv.time=trainSurv, cens.vec=trainCens, nbest=5) ## Extract the {\tt bic.surv} object ret.bic.surv <- ret.list$obj ## Extract the names of the genes from the last iteration of {\tt bic.surv} gene.names <- ret.list$curr.names ## Get the selected genes with probne0 > 0 top.gene.names <- gene.names[ret.bic.surv$probne0 > 0] top.gene.names ## Get the posterior probabilities for the selected models ret.bic.surv$postprob ################################################### ### chunk number 4: testStep ################################################### #line 212 "vignettes/iterativeBMAsurv/inst/doc/iterativeBMAsurv.Rnw" ## The test data matrix is called testData. data(testData) ## The survival time vector for the test set is called testSurv, where survival times are reported in years data(testSurv) ## The censor vector for the test set is called testCens, where 0 = censored and 1 = uncensored data(testCens) ## Get the subset of test data with the genes from the last iteration of bic.surv curr.test.dat <- testData[, top.gene.names] ## Compute the predicted risk scores for the test samples y.pred.test <- apply (curr.test.dat, 1, predictBicSurv, postprob.vec=ret.bic.surv$postprob, mle.mat=ret.bic.surv$mle) ## Compute the risk scores for the training samples y.pred.train <- apply (trainData[, top.gene.names], 1, predictBicSurv, postprob.vec=ret.bic.surv$postprob, mle.mat=ret.bic.surv$mle) ## Assign risk categories for test samples ## Argument {\tt cutPoint} is the percentage cutoff for separating the high-risk group from the low-risk group ret.table <- predictiveAssessCategory (y.pred.test, y.pred.train, testCens, cutPoint=50) ## Extract risk group vector and risk group table risk.vector <- ret.table$groups risk.table <- ret.table$assign.risk risk.table ## Create a survival object from the test set mySurv.obj <- Surv(testSurv, testCens) ## Extract statistics including p-value, chi-square, and variance matrix stats <- survdiff(mySurv.obj ~ unlist(risk.vector)) stats ################################################### ### chunk number 5: trainPredictTestStep ################################################### #line 283 "vignettes/iterativeBMAsurv/inst/doc/iterativeBMAsurv.Rnw" ## Use p=10 genes and nbest=5 for fast computation ret.bma <- iterateBMAsurv.train.predict.assess (train.dat=trainData, test.dat=testData, surv.time.train=trainSurv, surv.time.test=testSurv, cens.vec.train=trainCens, cens.vec.test=testCens, p=10, nbest=5) ## Extract the statistics from this survival analysis run number.genes <- ret.bma$nvar number.models <- ret.bma$nmodel evaluate.success <- ret.bma$statistics evaluate.success ################################################### ### chunk number 6: crossValidationStep ################################################### #line 312 "vignettes/iterativeBMAsurv/inst/doc/iterativeBMAsurv.Rnw" ## Perform 1 run of 2-fold cross validation on the training set, using p=10 genes and nbest=5 for fast computation ## Argument {\tt diseaseType} specifies the type of disease present the training samples, used for writing to file cv <- crossVal (exset=trainData, survTime=trainSurv, censor=trainCens, diseaseType="DLBCL", noRuns=1, noFolds=2, p=10, nbest=5) ################################################### ### chunk number 7: imageplot ################################################### #line 324 "vignettes/iterativeBMAsurv/inst/doc/iterativeBMAsurv.Rnw" imageplot.iterate.bma.surv (ret.bic.surv)