\name{read.HapMap.data} \alias{read.HapMap.data} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ function to import HapMap genotype data as snp.matrix} \description{ Given a URL for HapMap genotype data, \code{read.HapMap.data}, download and convert the genotype data into a \code{snp.matrix} class object, and saving snp support infomation into an associated data.frame. } \usage{ read.HapMap.data(url, verbose=FALSE, save=NULL, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{url}{URL for HapMap data. Web data is to be specified with prefix "http://", ftp data with prefix "ftp://", and local file as "file://"} \item{verbose}{Where the dnSNPalleles annotation is ambiguous, output more details information about how/why assignment is made. See Notes below.} \item{save}{filename to save the download - if unspecified, a temporary file will be created but removed afterwards.} \item{\dots}{Place-holder for further switches - currently ignored.} } \details{ During the conversion, if the dbSNPAlleles entry is exactly of the form "X/Y", where X, Y = A or C or G or T, then it is used directly for assigning allele 1 and allele 2. However, about 1 in 1000 entries are more complicated e.g. may involving deletion, e.g. "-/A/G" or "-/A/AGT/G/T". Some heuristics are used in such cases, in which the observed genotypes in the specific snp of the current batch are examined in two passes. The first time to see which bases are present, excluding "N". Deletions and Insertions ('D' and 'I') are currently treated as no-calls. If more than 2 bases are observed in the batch specified in the url, the routine aborts, but so far this possibility has not arisen in tests. If there is exactly two, then allele 1 and 2 are assigned in alphabetical order (dbSNPAlleles entries seems to be always in dictionary order, so the assignment made should agree with a shorten version of the dbSNPAlleles entry). Likewise, if only "A" or "T" is observed, then we know automatically it is the first (assigned as "A/.") or the last allele (assigned as "./T") of a hypothetical pair, without looking at the dbSNPAlleles entry. For other observed cases of 1 base, the routine goes further and look at the dnSNPAlleles entry and see if it begins with "-/X/" or ends with "/X", as a single base, and compare it with the single base observed to see if it should be allele 1 (same as the beginning, or different from the end) and allele 2 (same as the end, or different from the beginning). If no decision can be made for a particular snp entry, the routine aborts with an appropriate message. (for zero observed bases, assignment is "./.", and of course, all observed genotypes of that snp are therefore converted to the equivalent of NA) (This heuristics does not cover all grounds, but practically it seems to work. See Notes below.) } \value{ Returns a list containing these two items when successful, otherwise returns NULL: \item{snp.data}{A \code{snp.matrix-class} object containing the snp data} \item{snp.support}{A data.frame, containing the \code{dbSNPalleles}, \code{Chromosome}, \code{Position}, \code{Strand} entries from the hapmap genotype file, together with the actual \code{Assignment} used for allele 1 and allele 2 during the conversion (See Details above and Note below).} } \references{\url{http://www.hapmap.org/genotypes}} \author{Hin-Tak Leung \email{htl10@users.sourceforge.net}} \note{ Using both "file://" for \code{url} and \code{save} duplicates the file. (i.e. by default, the routine make a copy of the url in any case, but tidy up afterwards if run without \code{save}). Sometimes the assignment may not be unique e.g. dnSNPAlleles entry "A/C/T" and only "C" is observed - this can be assigned "A/C" or "C/T". (currently it does the former). One needs to be especially careful when joining two sets of snp data and it is imperative to compare the assignment supplementary data to see they are compatible. (e.g. for an "A/C/T" entry, one data set may have "C" only and thus have assignment "A/C" and have all of it assigned Allele 2 homozygotes, whereas another data set contains both "C" and "T" and thus the first set needs to be modified before joining). A typical run, chromosome 1 for CEU, contains about ~400,000 snps and ~100 samples, and the snp.matrix object is about ~60MB (40 million bytes for snps plus overhead) and similar for the support data (i.e. ~ 2x), takes about 30 seconds, and at peak memory usage requires ~ 4x . The actual download is ~20MB, which is compressed from ~200MB. } \seealso{\code{\link{snp.matrix-class}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ ## ** Please be aware that the HapMap project generates new builds from ## ** to time and the build number in the URL changes. ## ** The follow is valid as of Aug 2009: > library(snpMatrix) > testurl <- "http://ftp.hapmap.org/genotypes/latest/forward/non-redundant/genotypes_chr1_CEU_r27_nr.b36_fwd.txt.gz" > result1 <- read.HapMap.data(testurl) trying URL > 'http://ftp.hapmap.org/genotypes/latest/forward/non-redundant/genotypes_chr1_CEU_r27_nr.b36_fwd.txt.gz' Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 20059083 bytes (19.1 Mb) opened URL ================================================== downloaded 19.1 Mb Reading 174 samples ... EOF reached after 314024 snps ...conversion complete... > sum1 <- col.summary(result1$snp.data) > head(sum1[is.finite(sum1$z.HWE),], n=10) Calls Call.rate MAF P.AA P.AB P.BB z.HWE rs6650104 164 0.9425287 0.012195122 0.9756098 0.02439024 0.00000000 0.15810183 rs9629043 88 0.5057471 0.085227273 0.8295455 0.17045455 0.00000000 0.87399051 rs11510103 161 0.9252874 0.006211180 0.9937888 0.00000000 0.00621118 -12.68857754 rs11497407 89 0.5114943 0.005617978 0.0000000 0.01123596 0.98876404 0.05329933 rs12565286 160 0.9195402 0.028125000 0.0000000 0.05625000 0.94375000 0.36605143 rs11804171 83 0.4770115 0.030120482 0.0000000 0.06024096 0.93975904 0.28293272 rs2977670 85 0.4885057 0.058823529 0.8823529 0.11764706 0.00000000 0.57622153 rs2977656 90 0.5172414 0.005555556 0.9888889 0.01111111 0.00000000 0.05299907 rs12138618 89 0.5114943 0.050561798 0.0000000 0.10112360 0.89887640 0.50240136 rs3094315 163 0.9367816 0.153374233 0.7116564 0.26993865 0.01840491 0.50328457 ## ** Please be aware that the HapMap project generates new builds from ## ** to time and the build number in the URL changes. ## ** The follow is valid as of Aug 2009: ## This URL is broken up into two to fit the width of ## the paper. There is no need in actual usage: testurl2 <- paste("http://ftp.hapmap.org/genotypes/latest/", "forward/non-redundant/genotypes_chr1_JPT_r27_nr.b36_fwd.txt.gz", sep="") > result2 <- read.HapMap.data(testurl2) ... > head(result2$snp.support) dbSNPalleles Assignment Chromosome Position Strand rs10399749 C/T C/T chr1 45162 + rs2949420 A/T A/T chr1 45257 + rs4030303 A/G A/G chr1 72434 + rs4030300 A/C A/C chr1 72515 + rs3855952 A/G A/G chr1 77689 + rs940550 C/T C/T chr1 78032 + } } \keyword{manip} \keyword{IO} \keyword{file}