\name{applyDeformationError} \alias{applyDeformationError} \title{Function that handles deformed bait proteins} \description{ This function simulates False Negative (FN) observations on those bait proteins known to have been deformed during the AP-MS process. } \usage{ applyDeformationError(foundPrey, rateDeform) } \arguments{ \item{foundPrey}{A character vector of proteins names that interact with the a particular deformed protein P} \item{rateDeform}{The rate at which the deformation in P produces false negative observations within the AP-MS technology} } \details{ If there is a non-trivial number of deformed bait proteins, the function \code{\link{runSimulators}} calls the intermediary function \code{\link{simulatorD}}. This latter function controls \code{\link{applyDeformationError}} by examining the arguments and parameters. For each deformed bait, \code{\link{simulatorD}} calls this function to generate deformation errors. This is essentially a function for recording more FN interactions among baits and prey. The function takes in a bait that is known to have some deformation as a result of the experimentation. In essence, the bait loses some capacity to pull other proteins with which it would normally interact. } \value{ The character vector, missedPrey: The return value missedPrey is a vector which is a subset of the vector foundPrey. This subset will be the proteins which will be included as FN observations due to the systematic errors via the deformation of protein P. } \author{T. Chiang} \seealso{ \code{\link{applyFNErrors}}, \code{\link{runSimulators}}} \examples{ data(TSNMatrix) exampleFoundPrey <- rownames(TSNMatrix)[1:50] applyDeformationError(exampleFoundPrey, 0.5) } \keyword{datagen}