\name{SequenceSummary-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{SequenceSummary-class} \alias{plotBases,SequenceSummary-method} \alias{plotGC,SequenceSummary-method} \alias{plotSeqLengths,SequenceSummary-method} \title{\code{SequenceSummary} class representing the summaries of a sequence file} \description{ A sequence file read in with \code{readSeqFile} is summarized by a C call. This is a base class with slots common to both \code{\linkS4class{FASTQSummary}} and \code{\linkS4class{FASTASummary}}. This is not usually instantiated directly. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{filename}}{the filename processed by \code{readSeqFile}.} \item{\code{base.freqs}}{a dataframe of base frequencies by position. Each column is a nucleotide (there is a column for position too), and each row contains the count frequencies of bases for that position.} \item{\code{seq.lengths}}{a numeric vector of the number of sequences of a particular length (the length is the position in the vector).} \item{\code{hash}}{a numeric vector of the count frequencies of sequences (the sequences are in the name attribute).} \item{\code{hashed}}{a logical indicating whether the sequences were hashed in \code{readSeqFile}.} } } \author{Vince Buffalo } \examples{ showClass("SequenceSummary") } \seealso{ \code{\link[=FASTQSummary-class]{FASTQSummary}} and \code{\link[=FASTASummary-class]{FASTASummary}} are the classes that inherit from \code{SequenceSummary}. \code{\link{readSeqFile}} is the function that takes a FASTQ or FASTA file and returns a \code{FASTQSummary} object or \code{FASTASummary} object. } \keyword{classes}