\name{FASTQSummary-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{FASTQSummary-class} \alias{makeReport,FASTQSummary-method} \alias{plotQuals,FASTQSummary-method} \title{\code{FASTQSummary} class representing the summaries of a FASTQ file} \description{ This class contains the same slots as the \code{\linkS4class{SequenceSummary}}, as well as additional slots for quality information. } \section{Slots}{ In addition to the slots inherited from \code{\linkS4class{SequenceSummary}}, \code{\linkS4class{FASTQSummary}} contains: \describe{ \item{\code{quality}}{a string indicating the type of quality (used to convert ASCII characters to quality integers). Either "phred", "solexa", or "illumina".} \item{\code{qual.freqs}}{a dataframe of quality frequencies by position, if the file was a FASTQ file.} \item{\code{mean.qual}}{a numeric that is the mean quality across all positions, weighted by the number of reads that extended to that position.} } } \author{Vince Buffalo } \examples{ showClass("FASTQSummary") } \seealso{ \code{\link[=FASTASummary-class]{FASTASummary}} is the counterpart of this class for FASTA data. \code{\link{readSeqFile}} is the function that takes a FASTQ file and returns a \code{FASTQSummary} object. \code{\link{plotBases}} is a function that plots the distribution of bases over sequence length for a particular \code{FASTQSummary} object. \code{\link{plotGC}} combines and plots the GC proportion. \code{\link{plotQuals}} is a function that plots the distribution of qualities over sequence length for a particular \code{FASTQSummary} object. \code{\link{plotSeqLengths}} is a function that plots a histogram of sequence lengths for a particular \code{FASTQSummary} object. } \keyword{classes}