\name{PLMset-class} \docType{class} \alias{PLMset-class} \alias{PLMset} \alias{image,PLMset-method} \alias{show,PLMset-method} \alias{NUSE} \alias{RLE} \alias{NUSE,PLMset-method} \alias{RLE,PLMset-method} \title{Class PLMset} \description{This is a class representation for Probe level Linear Models fitted to Affymetrix GeneChip probe level data.} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created using the function \code{\link{fitPLM}}} \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{probe.coefs}:}{Object of class "matrix". Contains model coefficients related to probe effects.} \item{\code{se.probe.coefs}:}{Object of class "matrix". Contains standard error estimates for the probe coefficients.} \item{\code{chip.coefs}:}{Object of class "matrix". Contains model coefficients related to chip (or chip level) effects for each fit.} \item{\code{se.chip.coefs}:}{Object of class "matrix". Contains standard error estimates for the chip coefficients.} \item{\code{const.coefs}:}{Object of class "matrix". Contains model coefficients related to intercept effects for each fit.} \item{\code{se.const.coefs}:}{Object of class "matrix". Contains standard error estimates for the intercept estimates} \item{\code{model.description}:}{Object of class "character". This string describes the probe level model fitted.} \item{\code{weights}:}{List of objects of class "matrix". Contains probe weights for each fit. The matrix has columns for chips and rows are probes.} \item{\code{phenoData}:}{Object of class "phenoData" This is an instance of class \code{phenoData} containing the patient (or case) level data. The columns of the pData slot of this entity represent variables and the rows represent patients or cases.} \item{\code{annotation}}{A character string identifying the annotation that may be used for the \code{ExpressionSet} instance.} \item{\code{experimentData}:}{Object of class "MIAME". For compatibility with previous version of this class description can also be a "character". The class \code{characterOrMIAME} has been defined just for this.} \item{\code{cdfName}:}{A character string giving the name of the cdfFile.} \item{\code{nrow}:}{Object of class "numeric". Number of rows in chip.} \item{\code{ncol}:}{Object of class "numeric". Number of cols in chip.} \item{\code{narrays}:}{Object of class "numeric". Number of arrays used in model fit.} \item{\code{normVec}:}{Object of class "matrix". For storing normalization vector(s). Not currentl used} \item{\code{varcov}:}{Object of class "list". A list of variance/covariance matrices.} \item{\code{residualSE}:}{Object of class "matrix". Contains residual standard error and df.} \item{\code{residuals}:}{List of objects of class "matrix". Contains residuals from model fit (if stored).} \item{\code{model.call}:}{Object of class "call"} \item{\code{manufacturer}:}{Manufacturer string (affymetrix/nimblegen)} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{image}{\code{signature(x = "PLMset")}: creates an image of the robust linear model fit weights for each sample.} \item{boxplot}{\code{signature(x = "PLMset")}: Boxplot of Normalized Unscaled Standard Errors (NUSE).} \item{NUSE}{\code{signature(x = "PLMset")} : Boxplot of Normalized Unscaled Standard Errors (NUSE) or NUSE values.} \item{RLE}{\code{signature(x = "PLMset")} : Relative Log Expression boxplot or values.} } } \note{This class is better described in the vignette.} \author{B. M. Bolstad \email{bmb@bmbolstad.com}} \references{Bolstad, BM (2004) \emph{Low Level Analysis of High-density Oligonucleotide Array Data: Background, Normalization and Summarization}. PhD Dissertation. University of California, Berkeley.} \keyword{classes}