\name{MAplot} \alias{MAplot} \alias{MAplot-methods} \alias{MAplot,FeatureSet-method} \alias{MAplot,TilingFeatureSet-method} \alias{MAplot,PLMset-method} \alias{MAplot,ExpressionSet-method} \alias{MAplot,matrix-method} \title{MA plots} \description{ Create MA plots using a reference array (if one channel) or using channel2 as reference (if two channel). } \usage{ MAplot(object, ...) \S4method{MAplot}{FeatureSet}(object, what=pm, transfo=log2, groups, refSamples, which, pch=".", summaryFun=rowMedians, plotFun=smoothScatter, main="vs pseudo-median reference chip", pairs=FALSE, ...) \S4method{MAplot}{TilingFeatureSet}(object, what=pm, transfo=log2, groups, refSamples, which, pch=".", summaryFun=rowMedians, plotFun=smoothScatter, main="vs pseudo-median reference chip", pairs=FALSE, ...) \S4method{MAplot}{PLMset}(object, what=coefs, transfo=identity, groups, refSamples, which, pch=".", summaryFun=rowMedians, plotFun=smoothScatter, main="vs pseudo-median reference chip", pairs=FALSE, ...) \S4method{MAplot}{matrix}(object, what=identity, transfo=identity, groups, refSamples, which, pch=".", summaryFun=rowMedians, plotFun=smoothScatter, main="vs pseudo-median reference chip", pairs=FALSE, ...) \S4method{MAplot}{ExpressionSet}(object, what=exprs, transfo=identity, groups, refSamples, which, pch=".", summaryFun=rowMedians, plotFun=smoothScatter, main="vs pseudo-median reference chip", pairs=FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{\code{FeatureSet}, \code{PLMset} or \code{ExpressionSet} object.} \item{what}{function to be applied on \code{object} that will extract the statistics of interest, from which log-ratios and average log-intensities will be computed.} \item{transfo}{function to transform the data prior to plotting.} \item{groups}{factor describing groups of samples that will be combined prior to plotting. If missing, MvA plots are done per sample.} \item{refSamples}{integers (indexing samples) to define which subjects will be used to compute the reference set. If missing, a pseudo-reference chip is estimated using \code{summaryFun}.} \item{which}{integer (indexing samples) describing which samples are to be plotted.} \item{pch}{same as \code{pch} in \code{plot}} \item{summaryFun}{function that operates on a matrix and returns a vector that will be used to summarize data belonging to the same group (or reference) on the computation of grouped-stats.} \item{plotFun}{function to be used for plotting. Usually \code{smoothScatter}, \code{plot} or \code{points}.} \item{main}{string to be used in title.} \item{pairs}{logical flag to determine if a matrix of MvA plots is to be generated} \item{...}{Other arguments to be passed downstream, like \code{plot} arguments.} } \details{ MAplot will take the following extra arguments: \enumerate{ \item \code{subset}: indices of elements to be plotted to reduce impact of plotting 100's thousands points (if pairs=FALSE only); \item \code{span}: see \code{\link{loess}}; \item \code{family.loess}: see \code{\link{loess}}; \item \code{addLoess}: logical flag (default TRUE) to add a loess estimate; \item \code{parParams}: list of params to be passed to par() (if pairs=TRUE only); } } \value{Plot} \author{Benilton Carvalho - heavily based on Ben Bolstad's original MAplot function.} \seealso{\code{\link{plot}}, \code{\link{smoothScatter}}} \examples{ if(require(oligoData) & require(pd.hg18.60mer.expr)){ data(nimbleExpressionFS) nimbleExpressionFS groups <- factor(rep(c('brain', 'UnivRef'), each=3)) data.frame(sampleNames(nimbleExpressionFS), groups) MAplot(nimbleExpressionFS, pairs=TRUE, ylim=c(-.5, .5), groups=groups) } } \keyword{methods} \keyword{hplot} \keyword{smooth} \keyword{loess}