\name{plot-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{plot} \alias{plot-methods} \alias{plot,Factorization,missing-method} \title{Plot of a Matrix Factorization} \description{ Produces a (biplot) of a Matrix Factorization result } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{signature(x = "Factorization", y = "missing")}}{ Plot of a Matrix Factorization } } } \usage{ \S4method{plot}{Factorization,missing}(x, Rm=NULL, Cm=NULL, dim = c(1, 2), zoom = rep(1, 2), col.group = NULL, colors = c("orange1", "red", rainbow(length(unique(col.group)), start=2/6, end=4/6)), col.areas = TRUE, col.symbols = c(1, rep(2, length(unique(col.group)))), sampleNames = TRUE, rot = rep(-1, length(dim)), labels = NULL, label.tol = 0.1, lab.size = 0.725, col.size = 10, row.size = 10, do.smoothScatter = FALSE, do.plot = TRUE, ... ) } \arguments{ \item{x}{object of the class \code{Factorization}.} \item{Rm}{row weighting vector. If \code{NULL}, it defaults to \code{rep(1,nrow(x@L))}.} \item{Cm}{column weighting vector. If \code{NULL}, it defaults to \code{rep(1,ncol(x@Z))}.} \item{dim}{optional principal factors that are plotted along the horizontal and vertical axis. Defaults to \code{c(1,2)}.} \item{zoom}{optional zoom factor for row and column items. Defaults to \code{c(1,1)}.} \item{col.group}{optional vector (character or numeric) indicating the different groupings of the columns. Defaults to 1.} \item{colors}{vector specifying the colors for the annotation of the plot; the first two elements concern the rows; the third till the last element concern the columns; the first element will be used to color the unlabeled rows; the second element for the labeled rows and the remaining elements to give different colors to different groups of columns. Defaults to \code{c("orange1", "red", rainbow(length(unique(col.group)), start=2/6, end=4/6))}.} \item{col.areas}{logical value indicating whether columns should be plotted as squares with areas proportional to their marginal mean and colors representing the different groups (\code{TRUE}), or with symbols representing the groupings and identical size (\code{FALSE}). Defaults to \code{TRUE}.} \item{col.symbols}{vector of symbols when \code{col.areas=FALSE} corresponds to the \code{pch} argument of the function \code{plot}. Defaults to \code{c(1, rep(2, length(unique(col.group))))}.} \item{sampleNames}{either a logical vector of length one or a character vector of length equal to the number of samples in the dataset. If a logical is provided, sample names will be displayed on the plot (\code{TRUE}; default) or not (\code{FALSE}); if a character vector is provided, the names provided will be used to label the samples instead of the default column names.} \item{rot}{rotation of plot. Defaults to \code{c(-1,-1)}.} \item{labels}{character vector to be used for labeling points on the graph; if \code{NULL} (default), the row names of \code{x} are used instead.} \item{label.tol}{numerical value specifying either the percentile (\code{label.tol<=1})of rows or the number of rows (\code{label.tol>1}) most distant from the plot-center (0,0) that are labeled and are plotted as circles with area proportional to the marginal means of the original data. Defaults to \code{1}.} \item{lab.size}{size of identifying labels for row- and column-items as \code{cex} parameter of the \code{text} function. Defaults to \code{0.725}.} \item{col.size}{size of the column symbols in mm. Defaults to \code{10}.} \item{row.size}{size of the row symbols in mm. Defaults to \code{10}.} \item{do.smoothScatter}{use smoothScatter or not instead of plotting individual points. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.} \item{do.plot}{produce a plot or not. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.} \item{...}{further arguments are passed on to \code{eqscaleplotLoc} which draws the canvas for the plot; useful for adding a \code{main} or a custom \code{sub}.} } \details{ The function \code{plot} is based on the function \code{plot.mpm} in the \R package \code{mpm} (Version: 1.0-16, Date: 2009-08-26, Title: Multivariate Projection Methods, Maintainer: Tobias Verbeke , Author: Luc Wouters ). Biclusters are found by sparse factor analysis where \emph{both} the factors and the loadings are sparse. Essentially the model is the sum of outer products of vectors: \deqn{X = \sum_{i=1}^{p} \lambda_i z_i^T + U} where the number of summands \eqn{p} is the number of biclusters. The matrix factorization is \deqn{X = L Z + U} Here \eqn{\lambda_i} are from \eqn{R^n}, \eqn{z_i} from \eqn{R^l}, \eqn{L} from \eqn{R^{n \times p}}, \eqn{Z} from \eqn{R^{p \times l}}, and \eqn{X}, \eqn{U} from \eqn{R^{n \times l}}. For noise free projection like independent component analysis we set the noise term to zero: \eqn{U=0}. The argument \code{label.tol} can be used to select the most informative rows, i.e. rows that are most distant from the center of the plot (smaller 1: percentage of rows, larger 1: number of rows). Only these row-items are then labeled and represented as circles with their areas proportional to the row weighting. If the column-items are grouped these groups can be visualized by colors given by \code{col.group}. } \value{ \item{Rows}{a list with the X and Y coordinates of the rows and an indication \code{Select} of whether the row was selected according to \code{label.tol}.} \item{Columns}{a list with the X and Y coordinates of the columns.} } \seealso{ \code{\link{fabia}}, \code{\link{fabias}}, \code{\link{fabiap}}, \code{\link{fabi}}, \code{\link{fabiasp}}, \code{\link{mfsc}}, \code{\link{nmfdiv}}, \code{\link{nmfeu}}, \code{\link{nmfsc}}, \code{\link{plot}}, \code{\link{extractPlot}}, \code{\link{extractBic}}, \code{\link{plotBicluster}}, \code{\link{Factorization}}, \code{\link{projFuncPos}}, \code{\link{projFunc}}, \code{\link{estimateMode}}, \code{\link{makeFabiaData}}, \code{\link{makeFabiaDataBlocks}}, \code{\link{makeFabiaDataPos}}, \code{\link{makeFabiaDataBlocksPos}}, \code{\link{matrixImagePlot}}, \code{\link{summary}}, \code{\link{show}}, \code{\link{showSelected}}, \code{\link{fabiaDemo}}, \code{\link{fabiaVersion}} } \author{Sepp Hochreiter} \examples{ n=200 l=100 p=4 dat <- makeFabiaDataBlocks(n = n,l= l,p = p,f1 = 5,f2 = 5, of1 = 5,of2 = 10,sd_noise = 3.0,sd_z_noise = 0.2,mean_z = 2.0, sd_z = 1.0,sd_l_noise = 0.2,mean_l = 3.0,sd_l = 1.0) X <- dat[[1]] ZC <- dat[[3]] LC <- dat[[4]] resEx <- fabia(X,p,0.1,400) gclab <- rep.int(0,l) gllab <- rep.int(0,n) clab <- as.character(1:l) llab <- as.character(1:n) for (i in 1:p){ for (j in ZC[i]){ clab[j] <- paste(as.character(i),"_",clab[j],sep="") } for (j in LC[i]){ llab[j] <- paste(as.character(i),"_",llab[j],sep="") } gclab[unlist(ZC[i])] <- gclab[unlist(ZC[i])] + p^i gllab[unlist(LC[i])] <- gllab[unlist(LC[i])] + p^i } groups <- gclab colnames(resEx@X) <- clab rownames(resEx@X) <- llab plot(resEx,dim=c(1,2),label.tol=0.1,col.group = groups,lab.size=0.6) plot(resEx,dim=c(1,3),label.tol=0.1,col.group = groups,lab.size=0.6) plot(resEx,dim=c(2,3),label.tol=0.1,col.group = groups,lab.size=0.6) } \keyword{methods} \keyword{multivariate} \keyword{hplot} \concept{biclustering}