\name{extractBic} \alias{extractBic} \title{Extraction of Biclusters} \description{ \code{extractBic}: \R implementation of \code{extractBic}. } \usage{ extractBic(fact,thresZ=0.5,thresL=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{fact}{object of the class \code{Factorization}.} \item{thresZ}{threshold for sample belonging to bicluster; default 0.5.} \item{thresL}{threshold for loading belonging to bicluster (if not given it is estimated).} } \details{ Essentially the model is the sum of outer products of vectors: \deqn{X = \sum_{i=1}^{p} \lambda_i z_i^T + U} where the number of summands \eqn{p} is the number of biclusters. The matrix factorization is \deqn{X = L Z + U} Here \eqn{\lambda_i} are from \eqn{R^n}, \eqn{z_i} from \eqn{R^l}, \eqn{L} from \eqn{R^{n \times p}}, \eqn{Z} from \eqn{R^{p \times l}}, and \eqn{X}, \eqn{U} from \eqn{R^{n \times l}}. \eqn{U } is the Gaussian noise with a diagonal covariance matrix which entries are given by \code{Psi}. The \eqn{Z } is locally approximated by a Gaussian with inverse variance given by \code{lapla}. Using these values we can computer for each \eqn{j} the variance \eqn{ z_i} given \eqn{ x_j}. Here \deqn{ x_j = L z_j + u_j} This variance can be used to determine the information content of a bicluster. The \eqn{\lambda_i } and \eqn{z_i } are used to extract the bicluster \eqn{i}, where a threshold determines which observations and which samples belong the the bicluster. In \code{bic} the biclusters are extracted according to the largest absolute values of the component \eqn{i}, i.e. the largest values of \eqn{\lambda_i } and the largest values of \eqn{z_i }. The factors \eqn{ z_i} are normalized to variance 1. The components of \code{bic} are \code{binp}, \code{bixv}, \code{bixn}, \code{biypv}, and \code{biypn}. \code{binp} give the size of the bicluster: number observations and number samples. \code{bixv} gives the values of the extracted observations that have absolute values above a threshold. They are sorted. \code{bixn} gives the extracted observation names (e.g. gene names). \code{biypv} gives the values of the extracted samples that have absolute values above a threshold. They are sorted. \code{biypn} gives the names of the extracted samples (e.g. sample names). In \code{bicopp} the opposite clusters to the biclusters are given. Opposite means that the negative pattern is present. The components of opposite clusters \code{bicopp} are \code{binn}, \code{bixv}, \code{bixn}, \code{biypnv}, and \code{biynn}. \code{binp} give the size of the opposite bicluster: number observations and number samples. \code{bixv} gives the values of the extracted observations that have absolute values above a threshold. They are sorted. \code{bixn} gives the extracted observation names (e.g. gene names). \code{biynv} gives the values of the opposite extracted samples that have absolute values above a threshold. They are sorted. \code{biynn} gives the names of the opposite extracted samples (e.g. sample names). That means the samples are divided into two groups where one group shows large positive values and the other group has negative values with large absolute values. That means a observation pattern can be switched on or switched off relative to the average value. \code{numn} gives the indices of \code{bic} with components: \code{numng} = \code{bix} and \code{numnp} = \code{biypn}. \code{numn} gives the indices of \code{bicopp} with components: \code{numng} = \code{bix} and \code{numnn} = \code{biynn}. Implementation in \R. } \value{ \item{bic}{extracted biclusters.} \item{numn}{indexes for the extracted biclusters.} \item{bicopp}{extracted opposite biclusters.} \item{numnopp}{indexes for the extracted opposite biclusters.} \item{X}{scaled and centered data matrix.} \item{np}{number of biclusters.} } \seealso{ \code{\link{fabia}}, \code{\link{fabias}}, \code{\link{fabiap}}, \code{\link{fabi}}, \code{\link{fabiasp}}, \code{\link{mfsc}}, \code{\link{nmfdiv}}, \code{\link{nmfeu}}, \code{\link{nmfsc}}, \code{\link{plot}}, \code{\link{extractPlot}}, \code{\link{extractBic}}, \code{\link{plotBicluster}}, \code{\link{Factorization}}, \code{\link{projFuncPos}}, \code{\link{projFunc}}, \code{\link{estimateMode}}, \code{\link{makeFabiaData}}, \code{\link{makeFabiaDataBlocks}}, \code{\link{makeFabiaDataPos}}, \code{\link{makeFabiaDataBlocksPos}}, \code{\link{matrixImagePlot}}, \code{\link{summary}}, \code{\link{show}}, \code{\link{showSelected}}, \code{\link{fabiaDemo}}, \code{\link{fabiaVersion}} } \author{Sepp Hochreiter} \examples{ #--------------- # TEST #--------------- dat <- makeFabiaDataBlocks(n = 100,l= 50,p = 3,f1 = 5,f2 = 5, of1 = 5,of2 = 10,sd_noise = 3.0,sd_z_noise = 0.2,mean_z = 2.0, sd_z = 1.0,sd_l_noise = 0.2,mean_l = 3.0,sd_l = 1.0) X <- dat[[1]] Y <- dat[[2]] resEx <- fabia(X,3,0.1,20) rEx <- extractBic(resEx) rEx$bic[1,] rEx$bic[2,] rEx$bic[3,] \dontrun{ #--------------- # DEMO1 #--------------- dat <- makeFabiaDataBlocks(n = 1000,l= 100,p = 10,f1 = 5,f2 = 5, of1 = 5,of2 = 10,sd_noise = 3.0,sd_z_noise = 0.2,mean_z = 2.0, sd_z = 1.0,sd_l_noise = 0.2,mean_l = 3.0,sd_l = 1.0) X <- dat[[1]] Y <- dat[[2]] resToy <- fabia(X,13,0.1,200) rToy <- extractBic(resToy) resToy@avini rToy$bic[1,] rToy$bic[2,] rToy$bic[3,] #--------------- # DEMO2 #--------------- avail <- require(fabiaData) if (!avail) { message("") message("") message("#####################################################") message("Package 'fabiaData' is not available: please install.") message("#####################################################") } else { data(Breast_A) X <- as.matrix(XBreast) resBreast <- fabia(X,5,0.1,200) rBreast <- extractBic(resBreast) resBreast@avini rBreast$bic[1,] rBreast$bic[2,] rBreast$bic[3,] } } } \concept{biclustering} \concept{sparse coding} \concept{sparse matrix factorization} \concept{non-negative matrix factorization}