\name{elistWrite-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{elist} \alias{summary} \alias{elistWrite} \title{Write ddCtExpression object into data frame or files} \description{\code{ddCtExpression} object contains a list of matrices as the results of \code{\link{ddCt}} method. \code{elist} combines these lists into one data frame, and \code{elistWrite} writes the data frame into file. \code{summary} is a wrapper for the \code{elist} method } \usage{ elist(object,...) summary(object,...) elistWrite(object,file,...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{an \code{\link[ddCt:ddCtExpression-class]{ExpressionSet}} object.} \item{file}{output file.} \item{...}{additional arguments passed to write.table.} } \value{A data frame or output file.} \details{ \code{elist} is a wrapper to \code{as(object, "data.frame")} function. } \author{Jitao David Zhang \email{j.zhang@dkfz.de}} \examples{ ## read a SDM file sampdat <- SDMFrame(system.file("extdata", "Experiment1.txt", package="ddCt")) ## call ddCtExpression method from class SDMFrame ## to get a ddCt calculated expression result <- ddCtExpression(sampdat, calibrationSample="Sample1", housekeepingGenes=c("Gene1","Gene2")) ## call elist elistResult <- elist(result) elistResult }