\name{read.mach} \alias{read.mach} \title{ Read genotypes imputed by the MACH program } \description{ This routine reads imputed genotypes generated by the MACH program. With the \code{--mle} and \code{--mldetails} options in force this program generates a \code{.mlprob} output file which contains probabilities of assignments. These are stored as uncertain genotype calls in a \code{snp.matrix} object } \usage{ read.mach(file, colnames = NULL, nrow = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{file}{The name of the \code{.mlprob} file. This may be gzipped } \item{colnames}{The column names. If absent, names are generated as \code{SNP1}, \code{SNP2}, etc. } \item{nrow}{If known the number of rows of data on the file. If not supplied, it is determined by a preliminary pass through the data } } \details{ No routine is explicitly available for data on chromosome X. Such data should first be read as a \code{snp.matrix} and then coerced to an \code{X.snp.matrix} object } \value{ An object of class \code{snp.matrix} } \author{David Clayton \email{david.clayton@cimr.cam.ac.uk}} \seealso{\code{\link{snp.matrix-class}}} \examples{ imputed.data <- read.mach(system.file("extdata/mach1.out.mlprob.gz",package="chopsticks")) summary(imputed.data) } \keyword{IO} \keyword{file}