\name{pool} \alias{pool} \title{Pool test results from several studies or sub-studies} \description{ Given the same set of "score" tests carried out in several studies or in several different sub-samples within a study, this function pools the evidence by summation of the score statistics and score variances. It combines tests produced by \code{\link{single.snp.tests}} or by \code{\link{snp.lhs.tests}} and \code{\link{snp.rhs.tests}}. } \usage{ pool(..., score = FALSE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{\dots}{Objects holding the (extended) test results. These must be of class \code{\link[=snp.tests.single.score-class]{snp.tests.single.score}} or \code{\link[=snp.tests.glm-class]{snp.tests.glm}} } \item{score}{Is extended score information to be returned in the output object? Relevant only for \code{snp.tests.single.score} objects} } \details{ This function works by recursive calls to the generic function \code{pool2} which pools the results of two studies. } \value{ An object of same class as the input objects (optionally without the \code{.score}) extension. Tests are produced for the \emph{union} of SNPs tested in all the input objects. } \author{David Clayton \email{david.clayton@cimr.cam.ac.uk}} \seealso{\code{\link{pool2}}, \code{\link{snp.tests.single.score-class}}, \code{\link{snp.tests.glm-class}}, \code{\link{single.snp.tests}}, \code{\link{snp.lhs.tests}}, \code{\link{snp.rhs.tests}} } \examples{ # An artificial example which simply doubles the size of a study library(chopsticks) data(testdata) sst <- single.snp.tests(snp.data=Autosomes, cc, data=subject.data, score=TRUE) sst2 <- pool(sst, sst) summary(sst2) } \keyword{htest}