\name{plotBeadLocations} \alias{plotBeadLocations} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Plot bead locations } \description{ Can plot where specified beads, or bead types were located on the array surface } \usage{ plotBeadLocations(BLData, ProbeIDs = NULL, BeadIDs = NULL, array = 1, SAM = FALSE, xCol = "GrnX", yCol = "GrnY", xlab = "x-coordinate", ylab = "y-coordinate", horizontal = TRUE, main = paste("Bead", ProbeIDs, "locations"), ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{BLData}{ a \code{beadLevelData} object } \item{ProbeIDs}{ a list of ArrayAddress IDs to plot } \item{BeadIDs}{ a list of beads (rows in the beadLevelData object) to plot } \item{array}{ the number of the section to plot } \item{SAM}{ if TRUE the array is treated as a Sentrix Array Matrix (hexagonal) } \item{xCol}{ column name for the x coordinates } \item{yCol}{ column name for the x coordinates } \item{xlab}{ optional label for the x axis } \item{ylab}{ optional label for the y axis } \item{horizontal}{ if TRUE the longest edge of the array surface will be plotted on the x axis } \item{main}{ an optional title for the plot } \item{\dots}{ any arguments to be passed to plots } } \value{ plot to current graphical device } \author{ Mark Dunning } \examples{ data(BLData) ##Plot location of first 100 beads as they are listed in beadLevelData object plotBeadLocations(BLData, BeadIDs = 1:100, array=1, horizontal = FALSE) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ ~kwd1 } \keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line