\name{accessionToUID} \alias{accessionToUID} \title{A function to convert accession values to NCBI UIDs.} \description{ Given one or more accession values, this function will attempt to convert them into NCBI UID values. } \usage{ accessionToUID(...,db=c("genbank","pubmed")) } \arguments{ \item{...}{Accession numbers to be transformed.} \item{db}{Which database this accession number refers to, defaults to Genbank} } \details{ Utilizes the PubMed tool pmqty.cgi to convert an accession number into a valid NCBI UID number. WARNING: The powers that be at NCBI have been known to ban the IP addresses of users who abuse their servers (currently defined as less then 2 seconds between queries). Do NOT put this function in a type loop or you may find your access revoked. } \value{ Returns either a valid NCBI UID value or NULL (if there was nothing available). } \author{Jeff Gentry} \seealso{\code{\link{pubmed}}, \code{\link[XML]{xmlTreeParse}}} \examples{ ## The two returns from genbank should be the same xdoc <- genbank("U03397",type="accession",disp="data") x <- accessionToUID("U03397",db="genbank") xdoc <- genbank(x, type="uid",disp="data") ## Can handle multiple inputs y <- accessionToUID("M16653","U892893",db="genbank") } \keyword{interface}