\name{addQuantilesColors} \alias{addQuantilesColors} \title{ Compute quantiles for plotGeneDE function } \description{ Compute quantiles on mean expression level for plotGeneDE function. Colors of bars in the plot could then be allocated using buckets defined by those quantiles. } \usage{ addQuantilesColors(e, ngroups = 3) } \arguments{ \item{e}{ ExpressionSet object to use for computation } \item{ngroups}{ Number of groups to be created } } \details{ Number of computed quantiles is equal to (ngroups - 1). } \value{ The ExpressionSet object e is returned, with a new column called colorsQuantilesVector in its slot featureData } \author{Eric Lecoutre} \seealso{ \code{\link{plotLogRatio}}} \examples{ if (require(ALL)){ data(ALL, package = "ALL") ALLQ <- addQuantilesColors(ALL) fData(ALLQ) } } \keyword{manip}