\name{fraction.reads.target} \alias{fraction.reads.target} \title{Target capture specificity} \description{Calculates the fraction of reads that align to target regions. Can also be used to retrieve those reads mapping to targets.} \usage{ fraction.reads.target(reads, targets, Offset = 0, mappingReads = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{reads}{\code{\link[IRanges:RangedData-class]{RangedData}} table containing positions of sequenced reads, i.e. output of \code{\link{get.reads}}. Alternatively, for paired-end data, it can be the output of \code{\link{reads2pairs}} when fraction of on-target read \emph{pairs} shall be calculated instead of fraction of single on-target reads.} \item{targets}{\code{\link[IRanges:RangedData-class]{RangedData}} table containing positions of target regions, i.e. output from \code{\link{get.targets}}} \item{Offset}{integer; add \code{Offset} bases on both sides to targeted regions and potentially collapse resulting overlapping target regions} \item{mappingReads}{if \code{TRUE}, reduced \code{RangedData} table with only those reads mapping to target regions is returned. When \code{reads} is output of \code{\link{reads2pairs}}, \code{mappingReads} will be the corresponding subset of on-target read pairs.} } %\details{} \value{If \code{mappingReads} equals \code{FALSE}, just the fraction of reads / read pairs mapping to targets is returned. When \code{reads} contains all single reads (i.e. is output of \code{\link{get.reads}}), this is the number of target-overlapping reads, divided by the number of all single reads. When \code{reads} contains read pairs (i.e. is output of \code{\link{reads2pairs}}), it is the number of read pairs with at least one target-overlapping read, divided by the number of read pairs (= half the number of reads). In case of small targets and large insert sizes the two reads of a pair could be located on both sides of the target without overlap, respectively. Still, the read pair will be counted as on-target, since the corresponding DNA molecule was covering the target. If \code{mappingReads} equals \code{TRUE}, a list is returned with elements \item{onTargetFraction}{fraction of reads / read pairs mapping to targets} \item{mappingReads}{\code{RangedData} table containing positions of the reads / read pairs mapping to target regions} } %\references{} \author{Manuela Hummel \email{manuela.hummel@crg.es}} \note{With the output from \code{\link{fraction.target}} and \code{\link{fraction.reads.target}} the 'enrichment' of the target capture experiment can be calculated as 'fraction of on-target reads / fraction of target within genome'} \seealso{\code{\link{fraction.target}}, \code{\link{get.reads}}, \code{\link{reads2pairs}}, \code{\link{get.targets}}} \examples{ ## get reads and targets exptPath <- system.file("extdata", package="TEQC") readsfile <- paste(exptPath, "ExampleSet_Reads.bed", sep="/") reads <- get.reads(readsfile, idcol=4, skip=0) targetsfile <- paste(exptPath, "ExampleSet_Targets.bed", sep="/") targets <- get.targets(targetsfile, skip=0) ## fraction of on-target reads fraction.reads.target(reads, targets) } \keyword{ math }