\name{transcriptdf} \alias{transcriptdf} \docType{data} \title{ Ensembl transcript information for variant plotting } \description{ This example contains Ensembl transcript information (here for transcript 'ENST00000380013') as created, used and returned by the function \code{link{plotVariants}}. It mainly holds locations of coding areas within the transcript that will then be highlighted in the variant plot. } \usage{data(transcriptdf)} \format{ A data frame with 9 observations on the following 5 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{ensembl_transcript_id}}{Ensembl id for the transcript} \item{\code{rank}}{exon rank} \item{\code{cds_start}}{start of a codon} \item{\code{cds_end}}{end of a codon} \item{\code{cds_length}}{length of a codon} } } \examples{ data(transcriptdf) } \keyword{datasets}