\name{referenceSequences} \alias{referenceSequences} \title{Access the reference sequences of an AVASet} \description{ This function give access to a slot of an instance of the AVASet storing information about all reference sequences of the amplicons. } \usage{referenceSequences(object)} \arguments{ \item{object}{An \code{link{AVASet-class}} object.} } \value{ The data is stored in an object of class \code{AlignedRead} and thus gives information about all reference sequences and their position on a chromosome (if \code{\link{alignShortReads}} has been called before). } \seealso{ \code{\link{alignShortReads}} } \examples{ # load an AVA dataset containing 6 samples, 4 amplicons and 259 variants data(avaSetExample) referenceSequences(avaSetExample) } \author{Christoph Bartenhagen}