\name{plotVariationFrequency} \alias{plotVariationFrequency} \alias{plotVariationFrequency,character,numeric-method} \title{Create an AVA style variation frequency plot} \description{ This method creates a plot similar to the variation frequency plot in Roche's GS Amplicon Variant Analyzer. The plot shows the reference sequence along the x-axis and indicates variants as bars at the appropriate positions. The height of the bars corresponds to the percentage of reads carrying the variant. A second y-axis indicates the absolute number of reads covering the variant.} \usage{plotVariationFrequency(object, plotRange, ...)} \arguments{ \item{object}{A character pointing to an Amplicon Variant Analyser Global Alignmnet export file.} \item{plotRange}{A two dimensional numeric vector giving the start and end base of the reference sequence that should be plotted.} \item{\dots}{Arguments passed to other plotting methods. Especially, argument \code{col}: Optional character vector of length 7 specifying the bars' colors indicating different base substitutions or deletions. See details. And argument \code{sequenceCex}: Optional numeric value specifying the size of the reference sequence's bases.} } \details{ The text file used as imput must have the format generated by the AVA export function. Such a file can be generated using the export button in the Global Alignment view of the AVA software. The \code{col} argument specifies the colours used for different bases and deletions. The following listing gives the meaning of the i-th position of the col vector (default values in braces): \enumerate{ \item A (green) \item C (blue) \item G (black) \item T (red) \item N (purple) \item deletion (gray) } } \examples{ \dontrun{ file = system.file("extdata", "AVAVarFreqExport", "AVAVarFreqExport.xls", package="R453Plus1Toolbox") plotVariationFrequency(file, plotRange=c(50, 150))} } \author{Hans-Ulrich Klein} \keyword{Variation Frequency Coverage}