\name{plotChimericReads} \alias{plotChimericReads} \title{Plots chimeric reads} \description{This function plots a given set of aligned chimeric reads along a reference sequence. It plots the breakpoints of translations or inversions and marks deletions, insertions and mismatches. Optionally, it displays all base pairs in a given region around the breakpoint.} \usage{plotChimericReads(brpData, geneSymbols=FALSE, plotMut=TRUE, plotBasePairs=FALSE, maxBasePairs=50, legend=FALSE, title="", col=c("red", "green", "black", "orange"))} \arguments{ \item{brpData}{A \code{Breakpoints} object containing the consensus breakpoint of all reads and the consensus reference sequence as returned by the methods \code{\link{detectBreakpoints}} and \code{\link{mergeBreakpoints}}. Since only one plot is made, the function will only work for objects of class \code{Breakpoints} having length one.} \item{geneSymbols}{Boolean value whether to automatically load and plot the gene symbols from the Ensembl database. Additionally, \code{geneSymbols} can be a vector of two strings for an own annotation.} \item{plotMut}{Boolean value whether to mark deletions, insertions and mismatches.} \item{plotBasePairs}{Optionally, \code{plotChimericReads} displays all base pairs in a given region around the breakpoint (see maxBasePairs).} \item{maxBasePairs}{The maximum number of base pairs to be plotted. Only used in conjunction with \code{plotBasePairs=TRUE}.} \item{legend}{A logical value (TRUE/FALSE) whether to plot a legend that explains the colouration of the insertions, deletions, mismatches and breakpoints.} \item{title}{A title for the plot.} \item{col}{A vector of four colours to draw insertions, deletions, mismatches and breakpoints. In this order, the default colours are "red", "green", "black" and "orange" (use \code{colours()} to see a list of possible values).} } \details{ This method is intended to be run after the pipeline for structural variant detection. Therefore, see the methods \code{\link{filterChimericReads}}, \code{\link{detectBreakpoints}} and \code{\link{mergeBreakpoints}} to correctly preprocess your alignment before running \code{plotChimericReads}. } \note{ It is recommended to first create and resize the output device (e.g. the plotting window or a pdf file) before plotting. For example, on Unix systems you may try \code{X11(width=w, height=h)} or \code{pdf(file="plotChimericReads.pdf", width=w, height=h)} for some window width w (e.g. w=12) and window height h (e.g. h=6). } \seealso{ \code{\link{Breakpoints-class}}, \code{\link{detectBreakpoints}}, \code{\link{mergeBreakpoints}} } \examples{ # load breakpoint data containing twelve chimeric reads describing an inversion in chromosome 16 data("breakpoints") breakpoints # standard plot # (only arrangement of reads plotted; breakpoints in orange, deletions # in red, insertions in green and mismatches in black by default) plotChimericReads(breakpoints) # plot base pairs in the breakpoint region (+/- 32bp) \dontrun{plotChimericReads(breakpoints, plotBasePairs=TRUE, maxBasePairs=32)} # use custom colours and display a legend: # deletions="brown", insertions="blue", mismatches="yellow", breakpoints="gray" plotChimericReads(breakpoints, col=c("brown", "blue", "yellow", "gray"), legend=TRUE) } \author{Christoph Bartenhagen} \keyword{plotChimericReads, detectBreakpoints, mergeBreakpoints, Breakpoints}