\name{plotAmpliconCoverage} \alias{plotAmpliconCoverage} \alias{plotAmpliconCoverage,AVASet,character,logical-method} \alias{plotAmpliconCoverage,AVASet,character,missing-method} \alias{plotAmpliconCoverage,AVASet,missing,logical-method} \alias{plotAmpliconCoverage,AVASet,missing,missing-method} \title{Creates a plot visualizing the number of reads per amplicon} \description{A function for visualizing the number of reads per amplicon or per MID / pico titer plate.} \usage{ \S4method{plotAmpliconCoverage}{AVASet,character,logical}(avaSet, type="amplicon", bothDirections=TRUE, cex.names=0.8, cex.axis=0.8, las=3, col=c(rgb(217/255, 214/255, 209/255), rgb(173/255, 38/255, 36/255)), ...)} \arguments{ \item{avaSet}{An instance of AVASet.} \item{type}{A character vector specifying the type of plot.} \item{bothDirections}{A logical value determining whether the plot sums forward and reverse reads or shows them separately.} \item{cex.names}{Font size of the amplicon name labels.} \item{cex.axis}{Font size of axes' labels.} \item{las}{Orientation of amplicon name labels.} \item{col}{Colors used in the plot.} \item{\dots}{Arguments to be passed to methods, such as graphical parameters (see \sQuote{par}).} } \details{ If the argumnet type is \dQuote{amplicon}, the number of reads for each amplicon are visualized. In case of a AVASet with one sample, a barplot with one bar for each amplicon is created. In case of more than one sample, a boxplot with one box for each amplicon is plotted. If type is \dQuote{mid}, a boxplot with one box for each MID is created. If type is \dQuote{ptp}, a boxplot with one box for each pico titer plate is created.} \seealso{\code{\link{AVASet}}} \examples{ \dontrun{data(avaSetExample) plotAmpliconCoverage(avaSetExample) plotAmpliconCoverage(avaSetExample[,1])} } \author{Hans-Ulrich Klein} \keyword{amplicon coverage}