\name{getAlignedReads} \alias{getAlignedReads} \alias{getAlignedReads,AVASet-method} \title{ Import reads from an Amplicon Variant Analyzer project } \description{ For a given AVASet, this function imports all aligned reads belonging to all (or some selected) amplicons of all samples. } \usage{ getAlignedReads(object, amplicons, dir) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An instance of the \code{link{AVASet-class}}.} \item{amplicons}{An (optional) character vector of amplicon names as mentioned in the amplicon feature data (see \code{\link{fDataAmp}}).} \item{dir}{Usually, the method tries to retrieve the path to the AVA project from the given \code{link{AVASet}} object. However, if it fails to find the directory, \code{dir} can be used to set the root directory of the AVA project.} } \details{ This function reports all reads for all samples together. If you want to get the reads for some samples individually, try subsetting your AVASet as in the examples below. } \value{ One \code{\link{DNAStringSet}} that contains all aligned reads for all samples (eventually restricted to some given amplicons). } \author{Christoph Bartenhagen} \seealso{ \code{\link{AVASet-class}}, \code{\link{fDataAmp}} } \examples{ # load an AVA dataset containing 6 samples, 4 amplicons and 259 variants data(avaSetExample) # import all reads for amplicon "TET2_E11.04" of the first sample avaProjectDir = system.file("extdata", "AVASet", package = "R453Plus1Toolbox") alnReads = getAlignedReads(avaSetExample[, 1], dir=avaProjectDir, amplicons="TET2_E11.04") show(alnReads) }