\name{featureDataAmp} \alias{featureDataAmp} \title{Access the amplicon data of an AVASet} \description{ Similar to \code{featureData} of the Biobase ExpressionSet, this function returns the feature data and feature meta of the amplicon slot of an instance of the AVASet. } \usage{ featureDataAmp(object) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An \code{link{AVASet-class}} object.} } \value{ The feature data of the amplicon slot contains the names, primers, start/end positions and reference sequences of all amplicons (see \code{\link{AVASet-class}} for details). The returned object is of class \code{\link{AnnotatedDataFrame}}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{fDataAmp}}, \code{\link{assayDataAmp}}, \code{\link{AVASet-class}}, } \examples{ # load an AVA dataset containing 6 samples, 4 amplicons and 259 variants data(avaSetExample) avaSetExample # show contents amplicon feature data featureDataAmp(avaSetExample) } \author{Christoph Bartenhagen}