\name{SimpleList-class} \docType{class} \alias{SimpleList} \alias{SimpleList-class} \alias{CompressedList} \alias{CompressedList-class} % accessors \alias{isEmpty,CompressedList-method} \alias{isEmpty,SimpleList-method} \alias{length,CompressedList-method} \alias{length,SimpleList-method} \alias{names,CompressedList-method} \alias{names,SimpleList-method} \alias{names<-,CompressedList-method} \alias{names<-,SimpleList-method} % subsetting \alias{[,CompressedList-method} \alias{[,SimpleList-method} \alias{[[,CompressedList-method} \alias{[[,SimpleList-method} \alias{[[<-,CompressedList-method} \alias{[[<-,SimpleList-method} \alias{$<-,CompressedList-method} \alias{$<-,SimpleList-method} \alias{seqselect,CompressedList-method} \alias{seqselect,SimpleList-method} \alias{seqselect<-,CompressedList-method} \alias{seqselect<-,SimpleList-method} % splitting and combining \alias{c,CompressedList-method} \alias{c,SimpleList-method} % looping \alias{aggregate,CompressedList-method} \alias{aggregate,SimpleList-method} \alias{endoapply,CompressedList-method} \alias{endoapply,SimpleList-method} \alias{lapply,CompressedList-method} \alias{lapply,SimpleList-method} \alias{mendoapply,CompressedList-method} \alias{mendoapply,SimpleList-method} % coercion \alias{as.list,CompressedList-method} \alias{as.list,SimpleList-method} \alias{unlist,CompressedList-method} \alias{unlist,SimpleList-method} % show \alias{show,CompressedList-method} \alias{show,SimpleList-method} \title{Simple and Compressed List Classes} \description{The (non-virtual) SimpleList and (virtual) CompressedList classes extend the \linkS4class{List} virtual class.} \details{ The SimpleList and CompressedList classes provide an implementation that subclasses can easily extend. The underlying storage in a SimpleList subclass is a list object. The underlying storage in a CompressedList object is a virtually partitioned vector-like object. For more information on the available methods, see the \linkS4class{List} man page. } \section{Constructor}{ The SimpleList class constructor is used to create SimpleList objects: \describe{ \item{}{\code{SimpleList(...)}: takes possibly named objects as elements for the new SimpleList object. } } } \section{Coercion}{ In the following code snippets, \code{x} is a SimpleList or CompressedList object. \describe{ \item{}{\code{as.list(x)}: Copies the elements of \code{x} into a new R list object. } \item{}{\code{unlist(x, recursive = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)}: Concatenates the elements of \code{x} into a single \code{elementType(x)} object. } } } \section{Subsetting}{ In the following code snippets, \code{x} is a SimpleList or CompressedList object. \describe{ \item{}{ \code{x[i]}: In addition to normal usage, the \code{i} parameter can be a \code{RangesList}, logical \code{RleList}, \code{LogicalList}, or \code{IntegerList} object to perform subsetting within the list elements rather than across them. } \item{}{ \code{x[i] <- value}: In addition to normal usage, the \code{i} parameter can be a \code{RangesList}, logical \code{RleList}, \code{LogicalList}, or \code{IntegerList} object to perform subsetting within the list elements rather than across them. } \item{}{ \code{seqselect(x, start=NULL, end=NULL, width=NULL)}: In addition to normal usage, the \code{start} parameter can be a \code{RangesList}, logical \code{RleList}, \code{LogicalList}, or \code{IntegerList} object to perform sequence extraction within the list elements rather than across them. } \item{}{ \code{seqselect(x, start=NULL, end=NULL, width=NULL) <- value}: In addition to normal usage, the \code{start} parameter can be a \code{RangesList}, logical \code{RleList}, \code{LogicalList}, or \code{IntegerList} object to perform sequence replacement within the list elements rather than across them. } } } \section{Looping}{ In the following code snippets, \code{x} is a SimpleList or CompressedList object. \describe{ \item{}{ \code{aggregate(x, by, FUN, start = NULL, end = NULL, width = NULL, frequency = NULL, delta = NULL, ..., simplify = TRUE))}: In addition to normal usage, the \code{by} parameter can be a \code{RangesList} to aggregate within the list elements rather than across them. When \code{by} is a \code{RangesList}, the output is either a \code{SimpleAtomicList} object, if possible, or a \code{SimpleList} object, if not. } } } \author{P. Aboyoun} \seealso{\linkS4class{List}, \linkS4class{AtomicList} and \linkS4class{RangesList} for example implementations} \examples{ SimpleList(a = letters, ranges = IRanges(1:10, 1:10)) } \keyword{methods} \keyword{classes}