\name{List-class} \docType{class} % List class, functions and methods: \alias{class:List} \alias{List-class} \alias{List} \alias{elementType} \alias{elementType,List-method} \alias{elementType,vector-method} \alias{elementLengths} \alias{elementLengths,list-method} \alias{elementLengths,List-method} \alias{elementLengths,CompressedList-method} \alias{elementLengths,ANY-method} \alias{isEmpty} \alias{isEmpty,ANY-method} \alias{[[,List-method} \alias{$,List-method} \alias{lapply,List-method} \alias{sapply,List-method} \alias{mapply} \alias{mapply,List-method} \alias{endoapply,List-method} \alias{mendoapply,List-method} \alias{coerce,List,list-method} \alias{as.list,List-method} \alias{as.env} \alias{as.env,List-method} \alias{stack,List-method} \alias{Reduce,ANY,List-method} \alias{Filter,ANY,List-method} \alias{Find,ANY,List-method} \alias{Map} \alias{Map,List-method} \alias{Position,ANY,List-method} \alias{eval} \alias{eval,expressionORlanguage,List-method} \alias{with,List-method} \title{List objects} \description{ List objects are \link{Vector} objects with a \code{"[["}, \code{elementType} and \code{elementLengths} method. The List class serves a similar role as \link[base]{list} in base R. It adds one slot, the \code{elementType} slot, to the two slots shared by all \link{Vector} objects. The \code{elementType} slot is the preferred location for List subclasses to store the type of data represented in the sequence. It is designed to take a character of length 1 representing the class of the sequence elements. While the List class performs no validity checking based on \code{elementType}, if a subclass expects elements to be of a given type, that subclass is expected to perform the necessary validity checking. For example, the subclass \link{IntegerList} has \code{elementType = "integer"} and its validity method checks if this condition is TRUE. To be functional, a class that inherits from List must define at least a \code{"[["} method (in addition to the minimum set of \link{Vector} methods). } \section{Accessors}{ In the following code snippets, \code{x} is a List object. \describe{ \item{}{ \code{elementType(x)}: Get the scalar string naming the class from which all elements must derive. } \item{}{ \code{elementLengths(x)}: Get the 'length' of each of the elements. } \item{}{ \code{isEmpty(x)}: Returns a logical indicating either if the sequence has no elements or if all its elements are empty. } } } \section{Element extraction (list style)}{ In the code snippets below, \code{x} is a List object. \describe{ \item{}{ \code{x[[i]]}: If defined, return the selected element \code{i}, where \code{i} is an numeric or character vector of length 1. } \item{}{ \code{x$name}: Similar to \code{x[[name]]}, but \code{name} is taken literally as an element name. } } } \section{Looping}{ In the code snippets below, \code{x} is a List object. \describe{ \item{}{ \code{lapply(X, FUN, ...)}: Like the standard \code{\link[base]{lapply}} function defined in the base package, the \code{lapply} method for List objects returns a list of the same length as \code{X}, with each element being the result of applying \code{FUN} to the corresponding element of \code{X}. } \item{}{ \code{sapply(X, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)}: Like the standard \code{\link[base:lapply]{sapply}} function defined in the base package, the \code{sapply} method for List objects is a user-friendly version of \code{lapply} by default returning a vector or matrix if appropriate. } \item{}{ \code{mapply(FUN, ..., MoreArgs = NULL, SIMPLIFY = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)}: Like the standard \code{\link[base]{mapply}} function defined in the base package, the \code{mapply} method for List objects is a multivariate version of \code{sapply}. } \item{}{ \code{endoapply(X, FUN, ...)}: Similar to \code{\link[base]{lapply}}, but performs an endomorphism, i.e. returns an object of \code{class(X)}. } \item{}{ \code{mendoapply(FUN, ..., MoreArgs = NULL)}: Similar to \code{\link[base]{mapply}}, but performs an endomorphism across multiple objects, i.e. returns an object of \code{class(list(...)[[1]])}. } } } \section{Coercion}{ In the code snippets below, \code{x} is a List object. \describe{ \item{}{\code{as.env(x, enclos = parent.frame())}: Creates an environment from \code{x} with a symbol for each \code{names(x)}. The values are not actually copied into the environment. Rather, they are dynamically bound using \code{\link{makeActiveBinding}}. This prevents unnecessary copying of the data from the external vectors into R vectors. The values are cached, so that the data is not copied every time the symbol is accessed. } \item{}{ \code{as.list(x, ...)}, \code{as(from, "list")}: Turns \code{x} into a standard list. } \item{}{\code{stack(x, indName = "space", valuesName = "values")}: As with \code{\link[utils:stack]{stack}} on a \code{list}, constructs a \code{DataFrame} with two columns: one for the unlisted values, the other indicating the name of the element from which each value was obtained. \code{indName} specifies the column name for the index (source name) column and \code{valuesName} specifies the column name for the values. } } } \section{Functional Programming}{ The R base package defines some Higher-Order functions that are commonly found in Functional Programming Languages. See \code{?\link[base]{Reduce}} for the details, and, in particular, for a description of their arguments. The IRanges package provides methods for List objects, so, in addition to be a vector, the \code{x} argument can also be a List object. \describe{ \item{}{ \code{Reduce(f, x, init, right = FALSE, accumulate = FALSE)}: Uses a binary function to successively combine the elements of \code{x} and a possibly given initial value. See \code{?\link[base]{Reduce}} (in the base package) for the details. } \item{}{ \code{Filter(f, x)}: Extracts the elements of \code{x} for which function \code{f} is TRUE. See \code{?\link[base]{Filter}} (in the base package) for the details. } \item{}{ \code{Find(f, x, right = FALSE, nomatch = NULL)}: Extracts the first or last such element in \code{x}. See \code{?\link[base]{Find}} (in the base package) for the details. } \item{}{ \code{Map(f, ...)}: Applies a function to the corresponding elements of given List objects. See \code{?\link[base]{Map}} (in the base package) for the details. } \item{}{ \code{Position(f, x, right = FALSE, nomatch = NA_integer_)}: Extracts the first or last such position in \code{x}. See \code{?\link[base]{Position}} (in the base package) for the details. } } } \section{Evaluating}{ In the code snippets below, \code{envir} and \code{data} are List objects. \describe{ \item{}{\code{eval(expr, envir, enclos = parent.frame())}: Converts the List object specified in \code{envir} to an environment using \code{as.env}, with \code{enclos} as its parent, and then evaluates \code{expr} within that environment. } \item{}{\code{with(data, expr, \dots)}: Equivalent to \code{eval(quote(expr), data, ...)}. } } } \author{P. Aboyoun and H. Pages} \seealso{ \linkS4class{Vector} for the parent class. \linkS4class{SimpleList} and \linkS4class{CompressedList} for direct extensions. \linkS4class{IRanges} and \linkS4class{CompressedLogicalList} for example implementations. } \examples{ showClass("List") # shows (some of) the known subclasses } \keyword{methods} \keyword{classes}