\name{Grouping-class} \docType{class} % Grouping objects: \alias{class:Grouping} \alias{Grouping-class} \alias{Grouping} \alias{nobj} \alias{grouplength} \alias{grouplength,Grouping-method} \alias{members} \alias{members,Grouping-method} \alias{vmembers} \alias{vmembers,Grouping-method} \alias{togroup} \alias{togrouplength} \alias{togrouplength,Grouping-method} \alias{show,Grouping-method} % H2LGrouping and Dups objects: \alias{class:H2LGrouping} \alias{H2LGrouping-class} \alias{H2LGrouping} \alias{high2low} \alias{high2low,H2LGrouping-method} \alias{high2low,vector-method} \alias{high2low,Vector-method} \alias{low2high} \alias{low2high,H2LGrouping-method} \alias{length,H2LGrouping-method} \alias{nobj,H2LGrouping-method} \alias{[[,H2LGrouping-method} \alias{grouplength,H2LGrouping-method} \alias{members,H2LGrouping-method} \alias{vmembers,H2LGrouping-method} \alias{togroup,H2LGrouping-method} \alias{grouprank} \alias{grouprank,H2LGrouping-method} \alias{togrouprank} \alias{togrouprank,H2LGrouping-method} \alias{length<-,H2LGrouping-method} \alias{class:Dups} \alias{Dups-class} \alias{Dups} \alias{duplicated,Dups-method} \alias{show,Dups-method} % Partitioning objects: \alias{class:Partitioning} \alias{Partitioning-class} \alias{Partitioning} \alias{[[,Partitioning-method} \alias{togroup,Partitioning-method} \alias{grouplength,Partitioning-method} \alias{names,Partitioning-method} \alias{names<-,Partitioning-method} \alias{class:PartitioningByEnd} \alias{PartitioningByEnd-class} \alias{PartitioningByEnd} \alias{end,PartitioningByEnd-method} \alias{length,PartitioningByEnd-method} \alias{nobj,PartitioningByEnd-method} \alias{start,PartitioningByEnd-method} \alias{width,PartitioningByEnd-method} \alias{coerce,Ranges,PartitioningByEnd-method} \alias{class:PartitioningByWidth} \alias{PartitioningByWidth-class} \alias{PartitioningByWidth} \alias{width,PartitioningByWidth-method} \alias{length,PartitioningByWidth-method} \alias{end,PartitioningByWidth-method} \alias{nobj,PartitioningByWidth-method} \alias{start,PartitioningByWidth-method} \alias{coerce,Ranges,PartitioningByWidth-method} % Binning objects: \alias{class:Binning} \alias{Binning-class} \alias{Binning} \alias{[[,Binning-method} \alias{grouplength,Binning-method} \alias{length,Binning-method} \alias{names,Binning-method} \alias{names<-,Binning-method} \alias{nobj,Binning-method} \alias{togroup,Binning-method} \title{Grouping objects} \description{ In this man page, we call "grouping" the action of dividing a collection of NO objects into NG groups (some of which may be empty). The Grouping class and subclasses are containers for representing groupings. } \section{The Grouping core API}{ Let's give a formal description of the Grouping core API: Groups G_i are indexed from 1 to NG (1 <= i <= NG). Objects O_j are indexed from 1 to NO (1 <= j <= NO). Every object must belong to one group and only one. Given that empty groups are allowed, NG can be greater than NO. Grouping an empty collection of objects (NO = 0) is supported. In that case, all the groups are empty. And only in that case, NG can be zero too (meaning there are no groups). If \code{x} is a Grouping object: \describe{ \item{}{ \code{length(x)}: Returns the number of groups (NG). } \item{}{ \code{names(x)}: Returns the names of the groups. } \item{}{ \code{nobj(x)}: Returns the number of objects (NO). Equivalent to \code{length(togroup(x))}. } } Going from groups to objects: \describe{ \item{}{ \code{x[[i]]}: Returns the indices of the objects (the j's) that belong to G_i. The j's are returned in ascending order. This provides the mapping from groups to objects (one-to-many mapping). } \item{}{ \code{grouplength(x, i=NULL)}: Returns the number of objects in G_i. Works in a vectorized fashion (unlike \code{x[[i]]}). \code{grouplength(x)} is equivalent to \code{grouplength(x, seq_len(length(x)))}. If \code{i} is not NULL, \code{grouplength(x, i)} is equivalent to \code{sapply(i, function(ii) length(x[[ii]]))}. } \item{}{ \code{members(x, i)}: Equivalent to \code{x[[i]]} if \code{i} is a single integer. Otherwise, if \code{i} is an integer vector of arbitrary length, it's equivalent to \code{sort(unlist(sapply(i, function(ii) x[[ii]])))}. } \item{}{ \code{vmembers(x, L)}: A version of \code{members} that works in a vectorized fashion with respect to the \code{L} argument (\code{L} must be a list of integer vectors). Returns \code{lapply(L, function(i) members(x, i))}. } } Going from objects to groups: \describe{ \item{}{ \code{togroup(x, j=NULL)}: Returns the index i of the group that O_j belongs to. This provides the mapping from objects to groups (many-to-one mapping). Works in a vectorized fashion. \code{togroup(x)} is equivalent to \code{togroup(x, seq_len(nobj(x)))}: both return the entire mapping in an integer vector of length NO. If \code{j} is not NULL, \code{togroup(x, j)} is equivalent to \code{y <- togroup(x); y[j]}. } \item{}{ \code{togrouplength(x, j=NULL)}: Returns the number of objects that belong to the same group as O_j (including O_j itself). Equivalent to \code{grouplength(x, togroup(x, j))}. } } Given that \code{length}, \code{names} and \code{[[} are defined for Grouping objects, those objects can be considered \link{List} objects. In particular, \code{as.list} works out-of-the-box on them. One important property of any Grouping object \code{x} is that \code{unlist(as.list(x))} is always a permutation of \code{seq_len(nobj(x))}. This is a direct consequence of the fact that every object in the grouping belongs to one group and only one. } \section{The H2LGrouping and Dups subclasses}{ [DOCUMENT ME] } \section{The Partitioning subclass}{ A Partitioning container represents a block-grouping, i.e. a grouping where each group contains objects that are neighbors in the original collection of objects. More formally, a grouping \code{x} is a block-grouping iff \code{togroup(x)} is sorted in increasing order (not necessarily strictly increasing). A block-grouping object can also be seen (and manipulated) as a \link{Ranges} object where all the ranges are adjacent starting at 1 (i.e. it covers the 1:NO interval with no overlap between the ranges). Note that a Partitioning object is both: a particular type of Grouping object and a particular type of \link{Ranges} object. Therefore all the methods that are defined for Grouping and \link{Ranges} objects can also be used on a Partitioning object. See \code{?Ranges} for a description of the \link{Ranges} API. The Partitioning class is virtual with 2 concrete subclasses: PartitioningByEnd (only stores the end of the groups, allowing fast mapping from groups to objects), and PartitioningByWidth (only stores the width of the groups). } \section{Binning subclass}{ A Binning container represents a grouping where each observation is assigned to a group or bin. It is similar in nature to taking a the integer codes of a factor object and splitting it up by its levels (i.e. myFactor <- factor(...); split(as.integer(myFactor), myFactor)). } \section{Constructors}{ \describe{ \item{}{ \code{H2LGrouping(high2low=integer())}: [DOCUMENT ME] } \item{}{ \code{Dups(high2low=integer())}: [DOCUMENT ME] } \item{}{ \code{PartitioningByEnd(end=integer(), names=NULL)}: Return the PartitioningByEnd object made of the partitions ending at the values specified by \code{end}. \code{end} must contain sorted non-negative integer values. If the \code{names} argument is non NULL, it is used to name the partitions. } \item{}{ \code{PartitioningByWidth(width=integer(), names=NULL)}: Return the PartitioningByWidth object made of the partitions with the widths specified by \code{width}. \code{width} must contain non-negative integer values. If the \code{names} argument is non NULL, it is used to name the partitions. } \item{}{ \code{Binning(group=integer(), names=NULL)}: Return the Binning object made from the \code{group} argument, which takes a factor or positive valued integer vector. If the \code{names} argument is non NULL, it is used to name the bins. When \code{group} is a factor, the \code{names} are set to \code{levels(group)} unless specified otherwise. } } Note that these constructors don't recycle their \code{names} argument (to remain consistent with what \code{`names<-`} does on standard vectors). } \author{H. Pages and P. Aboyoun} \seealso{ \link{List-class}, \link{Ranges-class}, \link{IRanges-class}, \link{successiveIRanges}, \link[base]{cumsum}, \link[base]{diff} } \examples{ showClass("Grouping") # shows (some of) the known subclasses ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## A. H2LGrouping OBJECTS ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- high2low <- c(NA, NA, 2, 2, NA, NA, NA, 6, NA, 1, 2, NA, 6, NA, NA, 2) x <- H2LGrouping(high2low) x ## The Grouping core API: length(x) nobj(x) # same as 'length(x)' for H2LGrouping objects x[[1]] x[[2]] x[[3]] x[[4]] x[[5]] grouplength(x) # same as 'unname(sapply(x, length))' grouplength(x, 5:2) members(x, 5:2) # all the members are put together and sorted togroup(x) togroup(x, 5:2) togrouplength(x) # same as 'grouplength(x, togroup(x))' togrouplength(x, 5:2) ## The List API: as.list(x) sapply(x, length) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## B. Dups OBJECTS ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- x_dups <- as(x, "Dups") x_dups duplicated(x_dups) # same as 'duplicated(togroup(x_dups))' ### The purpose of a Dups object is to describe the groups of duplicated ### elements in a vector-like object: x <- c(2, 77, 4, 4, 7, 2, 8, 8, 4, 99) x_high2low <- high2low(x) x_high2low # same length as 'x' x_dups <- Dups(x_high2low) x_dups togroup(x_dups) duplicated(x_dups) togrouplength(x_dups) # frequency for each element table(x) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## C. Partitioning OBJECTS ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- PartitioningByEnd(end=c(4, 7, 7, 8, 15), names=LETTERS[1:5]) x # the 3rd partition is empty ## The Grouping core API: length(x) nobj(x) x[[1]] x[[2]] x[[3]] grouplength(x) # same as 'unname(sapply(x, length))' and 'width(x)' togroup(x) togrouplength(x) # same as 'grouplength(x, togroup(x))' names(x) ## The Ranges core API: start(x) end(x) width(x) ## The List API: as.list(x) sapply(x, length) ## Replacing the names: names(x)[3] <- "empty partition" x ## Coercion to an IRanges object: as(x, "IRanges") ## Other examples: PartitioningByEnd(end=c(0, 0, 19), names=LETTERS[1:3]) PartitioningByEnd() # no partition PartitioningByEnd(end=integer(9)) # all partitions are empty ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## D. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN Partitioning OBJECTS AND successiveIRanges() ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- mywidths <- c(4, 3, 0, 1, 7) ## The 3 following calls produce the same ranges: x1 <- successiveIRanges(mywidths) # IRanges instance. x2 <- PartitioningByEnd(end=cumsum(mywidths)) # PartitioningByEnd instance. x3 <- PartitioningByWidth(width=mywidths) # PartitioningByWidth instance. stopifnot(identical(as(x1, "PartitioningByEnd"), x2)) stopifnot(identical(as(x1, "PartitioningByWidth"), x3)) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## E. Binning OBJECTS ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(0) x <- Binning(factor(sample(letters, 36, replace=TRUE), levels=letters)) x grouplength(x) togroup(x) x[[2]] x[["u"]] } \keyword{methods} \keyword{classes}