\name{makeOverlapTable} \alias{makeOverlapTable} \title{ Find and save the overlapped genes between a gene set and a vector of hits } \description{ This is an internal function. } \usage{ makeOverlapTable(geneSet, hits, mapID, filepath, filename) } \arguments{ \item{geneSet}{ a character vector of gene identifiers specifying a gene set } \item{hits}{ a character vector of gene identifiers specifying all hits in the screen } \item{mapID}{ a list of targeting identifiers with a name for each entry of the list as the identifier to be mapped } \item{filepath}{ a single character value specifying the directory where the overlapped gene list will be stored } \item{filename}{ a single character value specifying the name of the file where the overlapped gene list will be stored } } \details{ This is an internal function. } \author{ Benilton Carvalho, Xin Wang } \keyword{internal}