\name{SummarizedExperiment-class} \docType{class} % Class \alias{SummarizedExperiment-class} \alias{SummarizedExperiment} % Constructor-like function: \alias{SummarizedExperiment} \alias{SummarizedExperiment,missing-method} \alias{SummarizedExperiment,matrix-method} \alias{SummarizedExperiment,list-method} \alias{SummarizedExperiment,SimpleList-method} % Coercion methods: % Accessor methods: \alias{assays} \alias{assays,SummarizedExperiment-method} \alias{assays<-} \alias{assays<-,SummarizedExperiment,list-method} \alias{assays<-,SummarizedExperiment,SimpleList-method} \alias{assay} \alias{assay,SummarizedExperiment,ANY-method} \alias{assay,SummarizedExperiment,character-method} \alias{assay,SummarizedExperiment,numeric-method} \alias{assay,SummarizedExperiment,missing-method} \alias{assay<-} \alias{assay<-,SummarizedExperiment,character,matrix-method} \alias{assay<-,SummarizedExperiment,numeric,matrix-method} \alias{assay<-,SummarizedExperiment,missing,matrix-method} \alias{rowData} \alias{rowData,SummarizedExperiment-method} \alias{rowData<-} \alias{rowData<-,SummarizedExperiment,GenomicRanges-method} \alias{colData} \alias{colData,SummarizedExperiment-method} \alias{colData<-} \alias{colData<-,SummarizedExperiment,DataFrame-method} \alias{exptData} \alias{exptData,SummarizedExperiment-method} \alias{exptData<-} \alias{exptData<-,SummarizedExperiment,SimpleList-method} \alias{exptData<-,SummarizedExperiment,list-method} \alias{dim,SummarizedExperiment-method} \alias{dimnames,SummarizedExperiment-method} \alias{dimnames<-,SummarizedExperiment,NULL-method} \alias{dimnames<-,SummarizedExperiment,list-method} % Subset methods \alias{[,SummarizedExperiment-method} \alias{[<-,SummarizedExperiment,ANY,ANY,SummarizedExperiment-method} % show method: \alias{show,SummarizedExperiment-method} \title{SummarizedExperiment instances} \description{ The SummarizedExperiment class is an eSet-like container where rows represent ranges of interest (as a \code{\linkS4class{GRanges}-class}) and columns represent samples (with sample data summarized as a \code{\linkS4class{DataFrame}-class}). A \code{SummarizedExperiment} contains one or more assays, each represented by a matrix of numeric or other mode. } \usage{ ## Constructors SummarizedExperiment(assays, ...) \S4method{SummarizedExperiment}{SimpleList}(assays, rowData = GRanges(), colData = DataFrame(), exptData = SimpleList(), ..., verbose = FALSE) \S4method{SummarizedExperiment}{missing}(assays, ...) \S4method{SummarizedExperiment}{list}(assays, ...) \S4method{SummarizedExperiment}{matrix}(assays, ...) ## Accessors assays(x, ..., withDimnames=TRUE) assays(x, ...) <- value assay(x, i, ...) assay(x, i, ...) <- value rowData(x, ...) rowData(x, ...) <- value colData(x, ...) colData(x, ...) <- value exptData(x, ...) exptData(x, ...) <- value \S4method{dim}{SummarizedExperiment}(x) \S4method{dimnames}{SummarizedExperiment}(x) \S4method{dimnames}{SummarizedExperiment,NULL}(x) <- value \S4method{dimnames}{SummarizedExperiment,list}(x) <- value ## Subsetting \S4method{[}{SummarizedExperiment}(x, i, j, ..., drop=TRUE) \S4method{[}{SummarizedExperiment,ANY,ANY,SummarizedExperiment}(x, i, j) <- value } \arguments{ \item{assays}{A \code{list} or \code{SimpleList} of matrix elements, or a \code{matrix}. Each element of the list must have the same dimensions, and dimension names (if present) must be consistent across elements and with the row names of \code{rowData}, \code{colData}.} \item{rowData}{A \code{GRanges} instance describing the ranges of interest. Row names, if present, become the row names of the \code{SummarizedExperiment}.} \item{colData}{An optional \code{DataFrame} describing the samples. Row names, if present, become the column names of the \code{SummarizedExperiment}.} \item{exptData}{An optional \code{SimpleList} of arbitrary content describing the overall experiment.} \item{...}{For \code{SummarizedExperiment}, S4 methods \code{list} and \code{matrix}, arguments identical to those of the \code{SimpleList} method. For \code{assay}, \code{...} may contain \code{withNames}, which is forwarded to \code{assays}. For other accessors, ignored. } \item{verbose}{A \code{logical(1)} indicating whether messages about data coercion during construction should be printed.} \item{x}{An instance of \code{SummarizedExperiment}-class.} \item{i, j}{For \code{assay}, \code{assay<-}, \code{i} is a integer or numeric scalar; see \sQuote{Details} for additional constraints. For \code{SummarizedExperiment}, \code{SummarizedExperiment<-}, \code{i}, \code{j} are instances that can act to subset the underlying \code{rowData}, \code{colData}, and \code{matrix} elements of \code{assays}.} \item{withDimnames}{A \code{logical(1)}, indicating whether dimnames should be applied to extracted assay elements.} \item{drop}{A \code{logical(1)}, ignored by these methods.} \item{value}{An instance of a class specified in the S4 method signature or as outlined in \sQuote{Details}.} } \details{ The \code{SummarizedExperiment} class is meant for numeric and other data types derived from a sequencing experiment. The structure is rectangular, like an \code{eSet} in \pkg{Biobase}. The rows of a \code{SummarizedExperiment} instance represent ranges (in genomic coordinates) of interest. The ranges of interest are described by a \code{\linkS4class{GRanges}-class} instance, accessible using the \code{rowData} function, described below. The \code{GRanges} class contains sequence (e.g., chromosome) name, genomic coordinates, and strand information. Each range can be annotated with additional data; this data might be used to describe the range (analogous to annotations associated with genes in a \code{eSet}) or to summarize results (e.g., statistics of differential abundance) relevant to the range. Rows may or may not have row names; they often will not. Each column of a \code{SummarizedExperiment} instance represents a sample. Information about the samples are stored in a \code{\linkS4class{DataFrame}-class}, accessible using the function \code{colData}, described below. The \code{DataFrame} must have as many rows as there are columns in the \code{SummarizedExperiment}, with each row of the \code{DataFrame} providing information on the sample in the corresponding column of the \code{SummarizedExperiment}. Columns of the \code{DataFrame} represent different sample attributes, e.g., tissue of origin, etc. Columns of the \code{DataFrame} can themselves be annotated (via the \code{\link{values}} function) in a fashion similar to the \code{varMetadata} facilities of the \code{eSet} class. Column names typically provide a short identifier unique to each sample. A \code{SummarizedExperiment} can also contain information about the overall experiment, for instance the lab in which it was conducted, the publications with which it is associated, etc. This information is stored as a \code{\linkS4class{SimpleList}-class}, accessible using the \code{exptData} function. The form of the data associated with the experiment is left to the discretion of the user. The \code{SummarizedExperiment} is appropriate for matrix-like data. The data are accessed using the \code{assays} function, described below. This returns a \code{SimpleList}-class instance. Each element of the list must itself be a matrix (of any mode) and must have dimensions that are the same as the dimensions of the \code{SummarizedExperiment} in which they are stored. Row and column names of each matrix must either be \code{NULL} or match those of the \code{SummarizedExperiment} during construction. It is convenient for the elements of \code{SimpleList} of assays to be named. The \code{SummarizedExperiment} class has the following slots; this detail of class structure is not relevant to the user. \describe{ \item{\code{exptData}}{A \link{SimpleList}-class instance containing information about the overall experiment.} \item{\code{rowData}}{A \link{GRanges}-class instance defining the ranges of interest and associated metadata.} \item{\code{colData}}{A \link{DataFrame}-class instance describing the samples and associated metadata.} \item{\code{assays}}{A \link{SimpleList}-class instance, each element of which is a matrix summarizing data associated with the corresponding range and sample.} } } \section{Constructor}{ Instances are constructed using the \code{SummarizedExperiment} function with arguments outlined above. } % \section{Coercion}{} \section{Accessors}{ In the following code snippets, \code{x} is a \code{SummarizedExperiment} instance. \describe{ \item{\code{assays(x)}, \code{assays(x) <- value}:}{Get or set the assays. \code{value} is a \code{list} or \code{SimpleList}, each element of which is a matrix with the same dimensions as \code{x}.} \item{\code{assay(x, i)}, \code{assay(x, i) <- value}:}{A convenient alternative (to \code{assays(x)[[i]]}, \code{assays(x)[[i]] <- value}) to get or set the \code{i}th (default first) assay element. \code{value} must be a matrix of the same dimension as \code{x}, and with dimension names \code{NULL} or consistent with those of \code{x}.} \item{\code{rowData(x)}, \code{rowData(x) <- value}:}{Get or set the row data. \code{value} is a \code{GenomicRanges} instance. Row names of \code{value} must be NULL or consistent with the existing row names of \code{x}.} \item{\code{colData(x)}, \code{colData(x) <- value}:}{Get or set the column data. \code{value} is a \code{DataFrame} instance. Row names of \code{value} must be NULL or consistent with the existing column names of \code{x}.} \item{\code{exptData(x)}, \code{exptData(x) <- value}:}{Get or set the experiment data. \code{value} is a \code{list} or \code{SimpleList} instance, with arbitrary content.} \item{\code{dim(x)}:}{Get the dimensions (ranges x samples) of the \code{SummarizedExperiment}.} \item{\code{dimnames(x)}, \code{dimnames(x) <- value}:}{Get or set the dimension names. \code{value} is usually a list of length 2, containing elements that are either \code{NULL} or vectors of appropriate length for the corresponding dimension. \code{value} can be \code{NULL}, which removes dimension names. This method implies that \code{rownames}, \code{rownames<-}, \code{colnames}, and \code{colnames<-} are all available.} } } \section{Subsetting}{ In the code snippets below, \code{x} is a \code{SummarizedExperiment} instance. \describe{ \item{\code{x[i,j]}, \code{x[i,j] <- value}:}{Create or replace a subset of \code{x}. \code{i}, \code{j} can be \code{numeric}, \code{logical}, \code{character}, or \code{missing}. \code{value} must be a \code{SummarizedExperiment} instance with dimensions, dimension names, and assay elements consistent with the subset \code{x[i,j]} being replaced.} } } \author{Martin Morgan, \url{mtmorgan@fhcrc.org}} \seealso{ \link{GRanges}, \link[IRanges]{DataFrame}, \link[IRanges]{SimpleList}, } \examples{ nrows <- 200; ncols <- 6 counts <- matrix(runif(nrows * ncols, 1, 1e4), nrows) rowData <- GRanges(rep(c("chr1", "chr2"), c(50, 150)), IRanges(floor(runif(200, 1e5, 1e6)), width=100), strand=sample(c("+", "-"), 200, TRUE)) colData <- DataFrame(Treatment=rep(c("ChIP", "Input"), 3), row.names=LETTERS[1:6]) sset <- SummarizedExperiment(assays=SimpleList(counts=counts), rowData=rowData, colData=colData) sset assays(sset) <- endoapply(assays(sset), asinh) head(assay(sset)) }