\name{makeTranscriptDbFromBiomart} \alias{makeTranscriptDbFromBiomart} \alias{getChromInfoFromBiomart} \title{ Making a TranscriptDb object from annotations available on a BioMart database } \description{ The \code{makeTranscriptDbFromBiomart} function allows the user to make a \link{TranscriptDb} object from transcript annotations available on a BioMart database. } \usage{ getChromInfoFromBiomart(biomart="ensembl", dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl") makeTranscriptDbFromBiomart(biomart="ensembl", dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl", transcript_ids=NULL, circ_seqs=DEFAULT_CIRC_SEQS) } \arguments{ \item{biomart}{which BioMart database to use. Get the list of all available BioMart databases with the \code{\link[biomaRt]{listMarts}} function from the biomaRt package. See the details section below for a list of BioMart databases with compatible transcript annotations.} \item{dataset}{which dataset from BioMart. For example: \code{"hsapiens_gene_ensembl"}, \code{"mmusculus_gene_ensembl"}, \code{"dmelanogaster_gene_ensembl"}, \code{"celegans_gene_ensembl"}, \code{"scerevisiae_gene_ensembl"}, etc in the ensembl database. See the examples section below for how to discover which datasets are available in a given BioMart database.} \item{transcript_ids}{optionally, only retrieve transcript annotation data for the specified set of transcript ids. If this is used, then the meta information displayed for the resulting \link{TranscriptDb} object will say 'Full dataset: no'. Otherwise it will say 'Full dataset: yes'.} \item{circ_seqs}{a character vector to list out which chromosomes should be marked as circular.} } \details{ \code{makeTranscriptDbFromBiomart} is a convenience function that feeds data from a BioMart database to the lower level \code{\link{makeTranscriptDb}} function. See \code{?\link{makeTranscriptDbFromUCSC}} for a similar function that feeds data from the UCSC source. As of November 30, 2010, the BioMart databases with compatible transcript annotations are: \itemize{ \item ensembl: ENSEMBL GENES 60 (SANGER UK) \item bacterial_mart_7: ENSEMBL BACTERIA 7 (EBI UK) \item fungal_mart_7: ENSEMBL FUNGAL 7 (EBI UK) \item metazoa_mart_7: ENSEMBL METAZOA 7 (EBI UK) \item plant_mart_7: ENSEMBL PLANT 7 (EBI UK) \item protist_mart_7: ENSEMBL PROTISTS 7 (EBI UK) \item ensembl_expressionmart_48: EURATMART (EBI UK) \item Ensembl56: PANCREATIC EXPRESSION DATABASE (INSTITUTE OF CANCER UK) } Only ensembl and Ensembl56 have CDS information. } \value{A \link{TranscriptDb} object.} \author{ M. Carlson and H. Pages } \seealso{ \code{\link[biomaRt]{listMarts}}, \code{\link[biomaRt]{useMart}}, \code{\link[biomaRt]{listDatasets}}, \code{\link{DEFAULT_CIRC_SEQS}}, \code{\link{makeTranscriptDbFromUCSC}}, \code{\link{makeTranscriptDb}} } \examples{ ## Discover which datasets are available in the "ensembl" BioMart ## database: library(biomaRt) listDatasets(useMart("ensembl")) ## Retrieving an incomplete transcript dataset for Human from the ## "ensembl" BioMart database: transcript_ids <- c( "ENST00000268655", "ENST00000313243", "ENST00000341724", "ENST00000400839", "ENST00000400840", "ENST00000435657", "ENST00000478783" ) txdb <- makeTranscriptDbFromBiomart(transcript_ids=transcript_ids) txdb # note that these annotations match the GRCh37 genome assembly }