\name{makeFeatureDbFromUCSC} \alias{supportedUCSCFeatureDbTracks} \alias{supportedUCSCFeatureDbTables} \alias{UCSCFeatureDbTableSchema} \alias{makeFeatureDbFromUCSC} \title{ Making a FeatureDb object from annotations available at the UCSC Genome Browser } \description{ The \code{makeFeatureDbFromUCSC} function allows the user to make a \link{FeatureDb} object from simple annotation tracks at UCSC. The tracks in question must (at a minimum) have a start, end and a chromosome affiliation in order to be made into a \link{FeatureDb}. This function requires a precise declaration of its first three arguments to indicate which genome, track and table wish to be imported. There are discovery functions provided to make this process go smoothly. } \usage{ supportedUCSCFeatureDbTracks(genome) supportedUCSCFeatureDbTables(genome, track) UCSCFeatureDbTableSchema(genome, track, tablename) makeFeatureDbFromUCSC( genome, track, tablename, columns = UCSCFeatureDbTableSchema(genome,track,tablename), url="http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/", goldenPath_url="http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath") } \arguments{ \item{genome}{genome abbreviation used by UCSC and obtained by \code{\link[rtracklayer]{ucscGenomes}()[ , "db"]}. For example: \code{"hg18"}.} \item{track}{name of the UCSC track. Use \code{supportedUCSCFeatureDbTracks} to get the list of available tracks for a particular genome} \item{tablename}{name of the UCSC table containing the annotations to retrieve. Use the \code{supportedUCSCFeatureDbTables} utility function to get the list of supported tables for a track.} \item{columns}{a named character vector to list out the names and types of the other columns that the downloaded track should have. Use \code{UCSCFeatureDbTableSchema} to retrieve this information for a particular table.} \item{url,goldenPath_url}{use to specify the location of an alternate UCSC Genome Browser.} } \details{ \code{makeFeatureDbFromUCSC} {is a convenience function that builds a tiny database from one of the UCSC track tables.} \code{supportedUCSCFeatureDbTracks} {a convenience function that returns potential track names that could be used to make FeatureDb objects} \code{supportedUCSCFeatureDbTables} {a convenience function that returns potential table names for FeatureDb objects (table names go with a track name)} \code{UCSCFeatureDbTableSchema} {A convenience function that creates a named vector of types for all the fields that can potentially be supported for a given track. By default, this will be called on your specified tablename to include all of the fields in a track.} % \code{\link{makeFeatureDb}} % function. % See \code{?\link{makeFeatureDbFromBiomart}} for a similar function % that feeds data from a BioMart database. } \value{A \link{FeatureDb} object for \code{makeFeatureDbFromUCSC}. Or in the case of \code{supportedUCSCFeatureDbTracks} and \code{UCSCFeatureDbTableSchema} a named character vector} \author{ M. Carlson and H. Pages } \seealso{ \code{\link[rtracklayer]{ucscGenomes}}, % \code{\link{makeFeatureDbFromBiomart}}, % \code{\link{makeFeatureDb}} } \examples{ ## Display the list of genomes available at UCSC: library(GenomicFeatures) library(rtracklayer) ucscGenomes()[ , "db"] ## Display the list of Tracks supported by makeFeatureDbFromUCSC(): supportedUCSCFeatureDbTracks("mm9") ## Display the list of tables supported by your track: supportedUCSCFeatureDbTables(genome="mm9", track="oreganno") ## Display fields that could be passed in to colnames: UCSCFeatureDbTableSchema(genome="mm9", track="oreganno", tablename="oreganno") ## Retrieving a full transcript dataset for Yeast from UCSC: txdb <- makeFeatureDbFromUCSC(genome="mm9", track="oreganno", tablename="oreganno") txdb }