\name{getPriors} \alias{getPriors} \title{ Finds a set of priors for a 'segData' object. } \description{ This function creates a random selection of non-overlapping segments that can be used to estimate prior parameters for the 'segData' object. } \usage{ getPriors(sD, type = "Pois", verbose = TRUE, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{sD}{ A \code{\linkS4class{segData}} object. } \item{type}{ A string describing the type of priors to be estimated. Currently only "Pois" (Poisson-Gamma priors) and "NB" (Negative Binomial) are supported. } \item{verbose}{ Should processing information be displayed? Defaults to TRUE. } \item{\dots}{ Additional arguments to be passed to one of the \code{\link[baySeq:getPriors]{getPriors}} functions. See Details. } } \details{ This function takes a random sample of non-overlapping potential subsegments from the 'segData' object and uses these to construct a \code{\link[baySeq:countData]{countData}} object which is then passed to one of the \code{\link[baySeq:getPriors]{getPriors}} functions belonging to the 'baySeq' package. Which function is specified depends on the string given in the \code{priorType} argument; currently only \code{priorType = "Pois"} and \code{priorType = "NB"} are supported. Additional arguments can be passed to whichever function is being used via the \code{'...'} argument. } \value{ A \code{\linkS4class{segData}} object. } \references{ Hardcastle T.J., and Kelly, K.A. (2010). Genome Segmentation from High-Throughput Sequencing Data. In submission. } \author{ Thomas J. Hardcastle } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{segData}}, \code{\link[baySeq:getPriors]{getPriors}} } \examples{ # Define the chromosome lengths for the genome of interest. chrlens <- c(2e6, 1e6) # Define the files containing sample information. datadir <- system.file("data", package = "segmentSeq") libfiles <- dir(datadir, pattern = ".txt", full.names = TRUE) # Establish the library names and replicate structure. libnames <- c("SL10", "SL26", "SL32", "SL9") replicates <- c(1,1,2,2) # Process the files to produce an 'alignmentData' object. datadir <- system.file("data", package = "segmentSeq") libfiles <- c("SL9.txt", "SL10.txt", "SL26.txt", "SL32.txt") # Establish the library names and replicate structure. libnames <- c("SL9", "SL10", "SL26", "SL32") replicates <- c(1,1,2,2) # Process the files to produce an 'alignmentData' object. alignData <- processTags(libfiles, dir = datadir, replicates, libnames, chrlens, chrs = c(">Chr1", ">Chr2"), header = TRUE) # Process the alignmentData object to produce a 'segData' object. sD <- processAD(alignData, maxgaplen = 500, cl = NULL) # Estimate prior parameters for the segData object. sDP <- getPriors(sD, type = "Pois", samplesize = 100, perSE = 0.1, maxit = 1000, cl = NULL) } \keyword{distribution} \keyword{models}