\name{plotreg} \alias{plotreg} \title{A function used to plot enriched genomic regions} \description{ A function used to plot enriched genomic regions. } \usage{ plotreg(gpos,ipct,conct,peak,col=c("yellow","green","grey0","blue")) } \arguments{ \item{gpos}{A n by 2 matrix or data frame. The rows correspond to genomic bins. The first and second columns contain the start and end positions of the genomic windows/bins, respectively.} \item{ipct}{A n by 2 matrix containing the ChIP tag counts corresponding to the bins in gpos. ipct[,1] contains the counts for the chain 1 (usually the forward chain); ipct[,2] contains the counts for the chain 2 (usually the reverse chain).} \item{conct}{A n by 2 matrix containing the control tag counts corresponding to the bins in gpos. ipct[,1] contains the counts for the chain 1 (usually the forward chain); ipct[,2] contains the counts for the chain 2 (usually the reverse chain).} \item{peak}{A vector containing the peak (center) positions of the genomic regions.} \item{col}{The colors used to fill the rectangles. col[1] is used for ipct[,1], col[2] for ipct[,2], col[3] for conct[,1] and col[4] for conct[,2], respectively.} } \seealso{ \code{\link{iSeq1}}, \code{\link{iSeq2}}, \code{\link{peakreg}},\code{\link{mergetag}} } \value{ No value returned. } \examples{ #see the example in iSeq1 } \author{Qianxing Mo \email{moq@mskcc.org}} \references{ Qianxing Mo (2010). A fully Bayesian hidden Ising model for ChIP-seq data analysis. (submitted). } \keyword{models}