\name{createTargetsFile} \alias{createTargetsFile} \title{ A function to generate a targets file given a directory of Illumina bead-level files } \description{ This function, when pointed to a directory containing Illumina bead-level files (e.g. txt, idat, locs, tif) will return a simple targets file of the sort expected by beadarray. Note that a user created targets file is likely to be of greater value. } \usage{ createTargetsFile(dir = NULL, nochannels = 1, channel1 = "Grn", channel2 = "Red", txtsuff = "txt", imgsuff = "tif", locssuff = "locs", xmlsuff = "xml", verbose = FALSE, special = c("sdf", "fiducial"), ColourConfusionStop = T, metricsflag = "Metrics", metsep = "\t", metricsection = "Section", metricchip = "Matrix") } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{dir}{ \code{dir}: The directory containing the Illumina bead-level files. By default, will search the working directory. } \item{nochannels}{ \code{nochannels}: Does the directory contain 1 or 2 channel arrays? Setting this argument to be null will result in the function making its best guess. } \item{channel1}{ \code{channel1}: The string indicating that files are associated with the first channel (usually Grn). } \item{channel2}{ \code{channel2}: The string indicating that files are associated with the second channel (usually Red). } \item{txtsuff}{ \code{txtsuff}: The suffix of files containing the bead-level intensities (usually txt, but occasionally csv). } \item{imgsuff}{ \code{imgsuff}: The suffix of files containing the images. } \item{locssuff}{ \code{locssuff}: The suffix of files containing the precise bead locations (usually locs). } \item{xmlsuff}{ \code{xmlsuff}: The suffix of files containing the meta-data (usually xml). } \item{verbose}{ \code{verbose}: Determines whether or not the function reports on its progress as it goes along. } \item{special}{ \code{special}: Files with names containing special words (such as fiducial) are ignored. } \item{ColourConfusionStop}{ \code{ColourConfusionStop}: This determines the behaviour of the function if there is a discrepancy between the number of channels specified, and the number apparently present. } \item{metricsflag}{ code{metricsflag}: This gives the key word that can be used to identify metrics files. } \item{metsep}{ \code{metsep}: This gives the cell separator used in the metrics file. } \item{metricsection}{ \code{metricsection}: This gives the column heading used in the metrics file to indicate array section names. } \item{metricchip}{ \code{metricchip}: This gives the column heading used in the metrics file to indicate the chip name. } } \details{ This function bases its resultant targets file on the files with suffix txtsuff. } \value{ This returns a dataframe containing } \author{ Andy Lynch } \seealso{ readIlluminaData() } \examples{ #createTargetsFile(verbose=T) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ IO }