\name{makeIndex} \alias{makeIndex} \title{Index file creation for a bank file (internal function)} \description{Makes an index for a bank file (if there wasn't). } \usage{makeIndex(file, type="E", index="ix")} \arguments{ \item{file}{string/scalar, file name of bank file} \item{type}{Sequence format ("E" for Embl, "G", for Genebank, "F" for Fasta)} \item{index}{Suffix for the index file (usually: ix)} } \value{ \item{1}{Index already exists (and no changes)} \item{0}{Index successfully created} \item{-1}{Error} } \details{ Checks if index file exists and is newer than bank file. If not, calls one of indexFasta, indexEmbl, indexGbk functions. } \note{Index files are in the form: \preformatted{ Accno deb_feature deb_sequence length_sequence } with one line by sequence. Number of char must be the same for each line (it is used to search a specific access number) but size used for accno is of 40 char by default. This can be change by setting variable \code{MAX\_LEN\_ACCNO} in GeneR\_globals.h file and recompile the library. } \author{Antoine Lucas} \seealso{\code{\link{indexFasta}},\code{\link{indexEmbl}}, \code{\link{indexGbk}}} \keyword{utilities} \examples{ ## WARNING: Because NCBI changed the web service the seqNcbi() function ## needs to connect to, the function is broken. Please contact ## the maintainer of the GeneR package about this. Thanks! if (interactive()) { seqNcbi("BY608190",file="BY608190.fa") # Write index file BY608190.fa.ix ... indexFasta("BY608190.fa") } }