\name{fastaDescription} \alias{fastaDescription} \title{Description field reading of a fasta sequence} \description{ Reads the description field of a fasta sequence } \usage{ fastaDescription(file, name="") } \arguments{ \item{file}{String/scalar, File name of the fasta sequences bank} \item{name}{String/scalar, Name of the sequence whose description must be retrieved, (if not specified : first sequence of the file) } } \value{ The description field (the remaining of the heading line after the first space). if error : NULL } \author{A. Lucas} \keyword{utilities} \examples{ ## WARNING: Because NCBI changed the web service the seqNcbi() function ## needs to connect to, the function is broken. Please contact ## the maintainer of the GeneR package about this. Thanks! if (interactive()) { seqNcbi("BY608190",file="BY608190.fa") fastaDescription(file="BY608190.fa",name="gi|26943372|gb|BY608190.1|BY608190") } }