\name{readMicroRnaAFE} \alias{readMicroRnaAFE} \title{Read Agilent Feature Extraction txt data files } \description{ Read the data files generated by the Agilent Feature Extraction image analysis software } \usage{ readMicroRnaAFE(targets,verbose=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{targets}{ A data frame that specifies experimental conditions under which each sample has been obtained. } \item{verbose}{logical, if \code{TRUE} prints out output} } \details{ The function reads the *.txt files generated by the AFE Software using the 'read.maimages' function of 'limma' package. Data, colected with the Agilent Feature Extraction Software, are stored in a RGList object with the following components: - dd.micro\$R: 'gTotalGeneSignal' - dd.micro\$G: 'gTotalProbeSignal' - dd.micro\$Rb: 'gMeanSignal' - dd.micro\$Gb: 'gProcessedSignal' - dd.micro\$targets 'targets' - dd.micro\$genes\$ProbeName 'Probe Name' - dd.micro\$genes\$GeneName 'microRNA Name' - dd.micro\$genes\$ControlType 'FLAG to specify the sort of feature' - dd.micro\$other\$gIsGeneDetected 'FLAG IsGeneDetected' - dd.micro\$other\$gIsSaturated 'FLAG IsSaturated' - dd.micro\$other\$gIsFeatNonUnifOL 'FLAG IsFeatNonUnifOL' - dd.micro\$other\$gIsFeatPopnOL 'FLAG IsFeatPopnOL' - dd.micro\$other\$gBGMedianSignal 'gBGMedianSignal' - dd.micro\$other\$gBGUsed 'gBGUsed' } \value{ An RGList containing: \item{RGList\$R }{matrix, 'gTotalGeneSignal'} \item{RGList\$G }{matrix, 'gTotalProbeSignal'} \item{RGList\$Rb }{matrix, 'gMeanSignal'} \item{RGList\$Gb }{matrix, 'gProcessedSignal'} \item{RGList\$targets }{data.frame, 'FileName'} \item{RGList\$genes\$ProbeName }{character, 'AGilent Probe Name'} \item{RGList\$genes\$GeneName }{character, 'microRNA Name'} \item{RGList\$genes\$ControlType }{integer, '0'= Feature, '1'= Positive control, '-1'= Negative control} \item{RGList\$other\$gIsGeneDetected }{matrix, FLAG to classify signal if 'IsGeneDetected=1' or 'not=0'} \item{RGList\$other\$gIsSaturated }{matrix, FLAG to classify signal if 'IsSaturated = 1' or 'not=0'} \item{RGList\$other\$gIsFeatPopnOL }{matrix, FLAG to classify signal if 'IsFeatPopnOL = 0' or 'not=1'} \item{RGList\$other\$gIsFeatNonUnifOL }{matrix, FLAG to classify signal if 'gIsFeatNonUnifOL = 0' or 'not=1'} \item{RGList\$other\$gBGMedianSignal }{matrix, gBGMedianSignal } \item{RGList\$other\$gBGUsed }{matrix, gBGUsed } } \references{ Agilent Feature Extraction Reference Guide \url{http://www.Agilent.com} Smyth, G. K. (2005). Limma: linear models for microarray data. In: 'Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Solutions using R and Bioconductor'. R. Gentleman, V. Carey, S. Dudoit, R. Irizarry, W. Huber (eds), Springer, New York, pages 397--420. } \author{Pedro Lopez-Romero } \seealso{ A data example can be found in \code{dd.micro} See also \code{readTargets} to see how to build the target file and the example given in \code{targets.micro} } \examples{ \dontrun{ data(targets.micro) dd.micro = readMicroRnaAFE(targets.micro) } } \keyword{documentation } \keyword{ utilities }