\name{flowcyt.fcs} \alias{flowcyt.fcs} \alias{bccrc} \title{Flow Cytometry Standard (FCS) files from British Columbia Cancer Research Center} \description{ Flow Cytometry Standard (FCS) files 'FCS' objects, using the version of \code{read.series.FCS} in \pkg{rflowcyt} on October 1, 2005. The data come from a screening of a compound library. The screening was performed on a cell line. The name of one file corresponds to the position of the sample (cell line aliquot) in a 96 wells plate. } \usage{ ## FCS files to be read with 'read.FCS' or 'read.series.FCS' ## function, see examples for details} \format{binary FCS files} \source{ British Columbia Cancer Research Center, Vancouver, Canada } \references{ Gasparetto, M. \emph{et. al.} (2004) Identification of compounds that enhance the anti-lymphoma activity of rituximab usinf flow cytometric high-content screening, \emph{Journal of Immunollogical Methods}, \bold{292}, 59-71. } \examples{ ## Example I if (require(rflowcyt)) { ##obtaining the location of the fcs files in the data pathFiles <- system.file("bccrc", package="rfcdmin") drugFiles <- dir(pathFiles) ## reading in the FCS files drugData <- read.series.FCS(drugFiles, path=pathFiles, MY.DEBUG=FALSE) } ## Example II if (require(rflowcyt)) { ## obtaining the location of the fcs files in the data A06path <- paste(system.file("bccrc", package="rfcdmin"), "A06",sep="/") ## reading in the FCS files A06 <- read.FCS(A06path) } } \keyword{datasets}