\name{PerPosROCmin} \alias{PerPosROCmin} \alias{PerPosROC} \alias{hivpos.gag} \alias{hivneg.gag} \alias{hivpos.pola} \alias{hivneg.pola} \alias{hivpos.polb} \alias{hivneg.polb} \title{Vaccine Research Center (VRC), NIH, Bethesda, MD data-Percentage Positives } \description{ Note: Percentage Positives = 100*(Percent Positives) of the stimulated sample based on the 99.9th percentile of the unstimulated distribution. For each sample/individual of the Interferon Gamma variable (cytokine repsonses), a 100*percent positive is defined as 100* the ratio of GAG stimulated cells greater than the 99.9th percentile of corresponding sample of unstimulated cells' (from the same given individual) distribution over the total number of GAG stimulated cells in the given sample from the individual. Thus, for a given individual, 100*Percent Positive = 100*k/n, where k is the number of stimulated cells >= 99.9th percentile of the corresponding distribution of the unstimulated cells of the same individual and n is the total number of stimulated cells in the sample. The following are the 100*(percent positives) for different peptide stimulations (GAG, PolA, or PolB) and different individuals (HIV positive & HIV negative). \describe{ \item{hivpos.gag}{100*(Percent Positives) of the GAG stimulated cells from 29 HIV positive individuals} \item{hivneg.gag}{100*(Percent Positives) of the GAG stimulated cells from 10 HIV negative individuals} \item{hivpos.pola}{100*(Percent Positives) of the PolA stimulated cells from 29 HIV positive individuals} \item{hivneg.pola}{100*(Percent Positives) of the PolA stimulated cells from 10 HIV negative individuals } \item{hivpos.polb}{100*(Percent Positives) of the PolB stimulated cells from 29 HIV positive individuals } \item{hivneg.polb}{100*(Percent Positives) of the PolB stimulated cells from 10 HIV negative individuals } } } \usage{ data(PerPosROC)} \format{Four numeric vectors } \source{ Cytokine reponse Table from Zoe Moodie PhD who obtained the percent positives from the data from the Vaccine Research Center (VRC), NIH, Bethesda, MD Also from the 'PerPosROC' data from the \pkg{rfcdorig} data package. } \examples{ data(PerPosROCmin) if (require(rflowcyt)){ ## the example below comes from ROC.FCS function #plotting the gag stimulated 100* percent positives if (interactive()==TRUE){ GAG<-ROC.FCS(hivpos.gag, hivneg.gag) #plotting the pola stimulated 100* percent positives POLA<-ROC.FCS(hivpos.pola, hivneg.pola, lineopt=2, colopt=2, overlay=TRUE) #plotting the polb stimulated 100* percent positives POLB<-ROC.FCS(hivpos.polb, hivneg.polb, lineopt=4, colopt=3, overlay=TRUE) legend(0.7, 0.7, c("gag", "polA", "polB"), col = c(1,2,3), lty=c(1,2,4)) } } else { cat("Installation of the rflowcyt package is needed to run the examples.", "\n\n") } } \keyword{datasets}