\name{intAct2Sys} \alias{intAct2Sys} \title{A function that maps the Intact ID's to the first org.Sc.sgd systematic name using the org.Sc.sgd package} \description{ This function takse the Intact ID's maps to the yeast common names via intact repository and uses the org.Sc.sgd package to map the common names to the org.Sc.sgd Systematic names. There is problems if more than one systematic name corresponds to the common name. This function will simply always return the first name given by each mapping: from Intact to common names and also from common names to systematic names. } \usage{ intAct2Sys(prot2Sys, bpSysL) } \arguments{ \item{prot2Sys}{An Intact accession number for some protein which is needed to be mapped to its systematic name} \item{bpSysL}{A named list with the IntAct accession numbers as the names and the corresponding systematic names as the entries} } \value{ The return value is a mapping of each Intact ID to it's respecting systematic name. } \author{T Chiang} \examples{ } \keyword{datagen}