\name{pup240_disc} \alias{pup240_disc} \docType{data} \title{ parsed samtools pileup result excerpt } \description{ parsed samtools pileup result excerpt -- only locations where the called base differs from the reference } \usage{data(pup240_disc)} \format{ A data frame with 31243 observations on the following 5 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{loc}}{location} \item{\code{ref}}{reference base} \item{\code{indiv}}{call for NA19240} \item{\code{depth}}{coverage depth at this base} \item{\code{pileup}}{pileup} } } \details{ asterisks are to denote deletions... } %\source{ %%% ~~ reference to a publication or URL from which the data were obtained ~~ %} %\references{ %%% ~~ possibly secondary sources and usages ~~ %} \examples{ data(pup240_disc) pup240_disc[1:4,] } \keyword{datasets}