\name{dyebias.geo2marray} \alias{dyebias.geo2marray} \title{ convenience function to convert GEO objects to marray objects } \description{ convenience function to convert GEO objects to marray objects } \synopsis{ dyebias.geo2marray(gse, slide.ids = NULL, type = "norm", gene.selector = function(table) {TRUE}, reporterid.name, cy3.name, cy5.name, R.name = NULL, G.name = NULL, M.name = NULL, A.name =NULL, Rf.name = NULL, Gf.name = NULL, Rb.name = NULL, Gb.name = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{gse}{ GSE data set } \item{slide.ids}{ Return only the slides with these ids. If NULL, return all.} \item{type}{ what to extract; must be either "norm" or "raw". } \item{gene.selector}{ function(table) acting on Table(GPL) giving back an index with the rows considered to be genes. } \item{reporterid.name}{column containing the reporter.id, in Table(gpl).} \item{cy3.name}{ The column name containing the factor value for the Cy3 (green) channel } \item{cy5.name}{ The column name containing the factor value for the Cy5 (red) channel } \item{R.name}{ column name for extracting the R data from Table(gsm) } \item{G.name}{ column name for extracting the G data from Table(gsm) } \item{M.name}{ column name for extracting the M data from Table(gsm) } \item{A.name}{ column name for extracting the A data from Table(gsm) } \item{Rf.name}{ column name for extracting the Rf data from Table(gsm) } \item{Gf.name}{ column name for extracting the Gf data from Table(gsm) } \item{Rb.name}{ column name for extracting the Rb data from Table(gsm) } \item{Gb.name}{ column name for extracting the Gb data from Table(gsm) } } \details{ The \code{XYZ.name} mechanism is the same as that used in \code{\link[marray]{read.marrayRaw}}; i.e. you specify the name of the column that contains the desired data. } \value{ A full-fledged marrayRaw (if \code{type} was "raw") or marrayNorm (if \code{type} was "norm") is returned. } \author{Philip Lijnzaad} \note{At some point, this functionality should be merged into the convert package. } \examples{ \dontshow{ cat("Running this example takes too much time; if you want that, see the second example in the vignette\n") } % dontshow \dontrun{ ## Running this example takes too much time; if you want that, see the ## second example in the vignette } % dontrun } \references{ Davis, S. and Meltzer, P.S (2007). GEOquery: a bridge between the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) and BioConductor. \emph{Bioinformatics} 23, 1846--1847 (doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btm254). Dudoit, S. and Yang, Y.H. (2002) Bioconductor R packages for exploratory analysis and normalization of cDNA microarray data. In: Parmigiani, G., Garrett, E.S. , Irizarry, R.A., and Zeger, S.L. (eds.) \emph{The Analysis of Gene Expression Data: Methods and Software}, New~York: Springer Chen,S., de~Vries, M.A. and Bell, S.P. (2007) \emph{Genes Dev.} 21, 2897--2907 "Orc6 is required for dynamic recruitment of Cdt1 during repeated Mcm2-7 loading" (doi:10.1101/gad.1596807) } \keyword{misc} % silly but compulsary