\name{data:probeAnno} \alias{data:probeAnno} \alias{probeAnno} \non_function{} \title{An environment with probe mapping information for the Scerevisiae tiling array} \usage{data("probeAnno")} \description{ The environment contains probe mapping information for the Affymetrix Scerevisiaetiling chip from 2004, which was custom-made for the Stanford Genome Center. The chips tile the complete genome of S. cerevisiae in steps of 8 bases, separately for each strand of each chromosome. The two tiles for one chromosome (Watson and Crick strands) are offset by 4 bases. In the following a brief description of the 138 elements of the \code{probeAnno} environment. \code{probeReverse}: a list of 8 factors, each of length 6553600, corresponding to the rows of \code{\link{davidTiling}}. For example, if the probe corresponding to the j-th row in \code{\link{davidTiling}} maps to the coding sequence of a gene, then the factor level of \code{probeRevers$CDS[j]} is the name of the gene, and the empty string \code{""} otherwise. This applies to samples that were hybridized to the chip after a reverse transcription step. \code{probeDirect}: analogous to \code{probeReverse}, but for samples that were hybridized to the chip without a reverse transcription step. The probes map to the opposite chromosomal strand compared to experiments with reverse transcription. \code{1.+.index}: indices (from 1...6553600, corresponding to the rows of \code{\link{davidTiling}}) of probes mapping to the Watson strand of chromosome 1. \code{1.+.start}, \code{1.+.end}: start and end positions in genomic coordinates of the alignments of the probes (in the same order as in \code{1.+.index}) to the Watson strand of chromosome 1. For 25-mers, the values in \code{1.+.end} are those in \code{1.+.start} plus 24, but not all probes on the array are 25-mers. \code{1.-.unique}: specificity of the probe: \describe{ \item{0}{has exactly one perfect match (PM) and no near-matches in the genome} \item{1}{has exactly one PM and some near-matches} \item{2}{has no PM but one or more near-matches} \item{3}{has multiple PMs in the genome}} \code{1.-.index}, \code{1.-.start}, \code{1.-.end}, \code{1.-.unique}: analogous to the above, but for the Crick strand of chromosome 1. \code{2.+.index}, \code{2.+.start}, \code{2.+.end}, \code{2.-.unique}: analogous to the above, but for the Watson strand of chromosome 2; and so forth. "Chromosome 17" is mitochondrial DNA. } \source{ Probe sequences were obtained from Affymetrix in a file called \code{S.cerevisiae_tiling.1lq}. The genomic sequences of the S. cerevisiae chromosomes were downloaded from \code{ftp://genome-ftp.stanford.edu/pub/yeast/data_download/sequence/genomic_sequence/chromosomes/fasta} on 7 Aug 2005, 18:16 BST in 17 files \code{chr01.fsa}--\code{chr16.fsa}, and \code{chrmt.fsa}. The probe sequences were matched against the chromosomal sequencences with the program \code{MUMmer}, see the script \code{mapProbesToGenome.sh} (in the \code{inst/scripts} directory of this package). \code{MUMmer} results were parsed and processed into the \code{probeAnno} environment with the script \code{makeProbeAnno.R} (in the \code{inst/scripts} directory of this package). } \author{W. Huber \email{huber@ebi.ac.uk}} \examples{ data("probeAnno") ls(probeAnno) str(probeAnno$"1.+.start") } \keyword{datasets}