\name{barreraExpressionX} \alias{barreraExpressionX} \docType{data} \title{Barrera expression data} \description{ Preprocessed expression data for five \code{M. musculus} tissues. Samples were hybridized to Affymetrix's mouse430v2 array platform, preprocessed using the MAS5 method, as implemented in Bioconductor's package \code{affy}. } \usage{data(barreraExpressionX)} \format{ Preprocessed expression data as an \code{ExpressionSet} with 45101 features, 5 samples. } \details{ see the supplement for the code chunk that was used to read in the CEL files that are in the \code{expression} directory of the package and to preprocess them. } %\source{} %\references{} \seealso{\code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}}, \code{\link[affy]{mas5}}} \examples{ data(barreraExpressionX) show(barreraExpressionX) ## the raw data is here: dir(system.file("expression", package="ccTutorial")) } \keyword{datasets}