\name{Countries} \alias{basicGoods} \alias{food} \alias{crudeMaterials} \alias{minerals} \alias{diplomats} \alias{countriesAttrs} \docType{data} \title{Countries Trade Data} \description{ Graphs of relation data between a countries trade network and data frame of attribute variables. } \usage{ data(basicGoods) data(food) data(crudeMaterials) data(minerals) data(diplomats) data(countriesAttrs) } \format{ \code{basicGoods}: graphNEL object with 24 nodes and 310 directed edges \code{food}: graphNEL object with 24 nodes and 307 directed edges \code{crudeMaterials}: graphNEL object with 24 nodes and 307 directed edges \code{minerals}: graphNEL object with 24 nodes and 135 directed edges \code{diplomats}: graphNEL object with 24 nodes and 369 directed edges \code{countriesAttrs}: data frame with 24 rows and 4 columns } \details{ The graphs contain the following relation information from one country to another. The data are reported in Tables B.12-B.16, respectively, in Wasserman and Faust (1999). \code{basicGoods} trade of basic manufactured goods \code{food} trade of food and live animals \code{crudeMaterials} trade of crude materials, excluding food \code{minerals} trade of minerals, fuels, and other petroleum products \code{diplomats} exchange of diplomats \code{countriesAttrs} contains the following attribute variables for the countries. The data are reported in Table B.17 in Wasserman and Faust (1999). \code{PopGrowth} average annual population growth between 1970 and 1981 \code{GNP} average GNP growth rate per capita between 1970 and 1981 \code{Schools} secondary school enrollment ratio in 1980 \code{Energy} energy consumption per capita in 1980, measured in kilo coal equivalents } \source{ Wasserman, S. and Faust, K. (1999). \emph{Social Network Analysis}. Cambridge University Press. New York. } \references{ Smith, D. and White, D. (1988). Structure and dynamics of the global economy: Network analysis of international trade 1965-1980. Unpublished manuscript. } \examples{ data(basicGoods) data(food) data(crudeMaterials) data(minerals) data(diplomats) data(countriesAttrs) } \keyword{datasets}